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Messages - DAMIEN

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Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / [d]ying [B]reed
« on: November 13, 2006, 03:45:20 AM »


I want a group of ppl that i like playing w/.... u know who u r... u freaking BEASTS!

Try having fun?

the reason y the community isnt as strong and has become something i do not find to be worth participating in is because of ppl like u, smokey & skater. little morons with no respect and very little depth. in other words,  morons

no1 really cares about the sp that much. u were obviously able to get the point o wut i was sayin, and if u understood, its safe to say that every1 else will too. u just look like an ass for thinking that pointing sp errors out makes u look cool. u need to  kill urself sooner rather than later


lol i love it when ppl post something stupid like that. neither on topic nore constructive. meddling smart ass ppl anymore

Team dB is in need of members.
IRC:  #team_db

-This is an open invite.

-I believe it is known what kind of a player I am and what I had in mind when the clan was first made. It is to maintain it's goal. A clan that has good sportsmanship and not solely plays to win but for fun as well. Nothing to be taken too serious and at the same time competing to win.

-Although it is an open invite, I will not be recruiting any1 that I do not see as having a mind set that will work w/ the clan in the long run.

-I think most all of those who I would actually extend this invite too in specific are already clanned. They probably know who they are anyways.

-I am mainly seeking to participate in pbcup moreso than in the general clanning seen. But if I can get enough members who are active enough, I think that regularly matching is something that could be fun.

-I am not stressing over a pbcup championship, more so, to have fun by playing challenging opponents. At the same time, I do play to win.    :-)

-If I don't know you, I wont consider you.

-Either messeage me through this forum or pm me on irc. I rarely check my email but that is another way of contacting me. My email address being: xxtheunseenxxAsbcglobalDnet


PBCup / Re: Sticky: Official Maplist Post for PBCup Season 2
« on: May 26, 2006, 04:05:03 AM »
no time to post map requests atm, but i wanna make sure to request 1 map to be blacklisted though....


im sry but that map is 1 o the most poorly thought out maps ive ever seen. sure it has more than 1 route but i think that the decision to make the jump was based on the pretense that being able to strafe at a high speed as being skillfull, which its not. i also think that the lower route is more of a joke than a path, once again gathering massive speed on ice and leaping over barrels is not a skill, its something a moron who cant play in a challenging environment calls fun.

i think that this map has been played so often by certain teams that their mastery of the speed/timing is on point and used to make an unskilled bunch o idiots with tactic-phobeas and little to no right to be considered any more than a round after round repeat of the round that came before it.

even if a map has more than 1 route, the limtiation of one's usage of said right based on which team reaches the mid o the route first is what makes a map dull, uninteresting and not worth season 2.

all for now, more later

Map Graveyard / Re: New map Abbaye
« on: May 26, 2006, 03:27:25 AM »
visually, it looks very nice. the tectures are a bit repetative though, i think that if u r going for realism, u should make 4-5+ textures w/ minor alterations in appearance. it enhances the overall appearance of something like a room w/ stone walls, authenticity in video game environments is dependant on the consideration of time and nature. in my opinion anyways. nature is random, not repetative. i think this is most evident in the ineer and outter floor/ground.

looks great, better than i could do. i just think that the the variation of an environment w/o making it appear unrecognizable is wut sets the good from the better.

and i agree w/ dt. i doubt ide enjoy gameplay much. but it is promising though

PBCup / Re: PBCup Finals are over Season2 to begin soon.
« on: May 23, 2006, 11:23:51 AM »
congratulations on the success of pbcup and its first season u guys, very impressive and well done.
i hope to participate in the next 4v4 season. especially seeing as how the first season was such a success.

congratulations on the victory ereet, and to both teams for making it that far.

1 thing that i was extremely impressed by was the great sportsmanship displayed by the teams that participated. i think that was very cool and is wut i look forward to when season 2 strts up.

PBCup / Re: Forfeight Feature
« on: February 01, 2006, 01:05:11 AM »
i might be wrong, but I believe I was talking to XBain about that topic, and I mentioned that

a) the one who didnt show up should be punished
b) the one who 'won' shouldnt get any points

i like this

PBCup / Forfeight Feature
« on: January 27, 2006, 04:54:34 AM »
Hmm im not to sure if i like this lil feature... seems to me that it's a lame way for people who are conserned with their rank to make themselves look better. In my opinion, if there's a no-show u shouldn't be taking a win, cause u didnt win. But thats just my opinion...

PBCup / Re: 1 vs 1 is terrible.
« on: January 26, 2006, 04:11:31 AM »
i just finished my first 1v1 and i thought it was vey fun. sure its zzzz if u only play those with lesser skill than u. that defeats the purpose of playing a game at all though...

PBCup / Re: 1v1 Map Suggestions
« on: January 26, 2006, 12:47:49 AM »


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Taking a break..
« on: January 24, 2006, 01:07:03 AM »
They're taking you away just like they did Voodoo!

darn i miss voo... skater i have a job, high school, college, and im a stoner. if i can do it and dp at the same time... any1 can

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Im lookin for a good clan - M
« on: January 24, 2006, 01:01:21 AM »
havent seen mark in a long time... 4got bout that black person :/

the thing is pink, ive asked for input from the beginning, and have been given complaints. i would be more than happy to do this(possibley on a regular basis) if there was more effort put out by others. i think it would be fun, in the 3-4 years ive played, i have never seen a single tourney actually happen. yea 2v2 isnt the most desired tourney, but thats wut i want to strt with. i thought the 2v2v2 to decide the final 2 teams would be dif and fun but no1 seems to be interested. i have maps in mind, y suggest them though? to get shot down? intercourse that lol. i even offered to design a map that would fit 2 teams o 2 comfortably without it being a box and allowing players to use strategy, but no1 willing to map it. this was just an idea that didnt work out.

well i was planning on having a smaller tourney and if all goes well and seeing as how no1 ever organizes tourneys, i was thinking that i might regularly do this kinda thing. this being a smaller one to test the waters, then move on to a larger tourney. i gather that there is little to no interest in this type of thing, the thread is definetley lacking in constructive input/feedback, so im not going to put my time into it

k heres wut i have had time to think up

will finish it and post asap

-jits: thx, i think that primed nades would be great for the tourney. although i can just imagine explaining how to use them to every other     person. <insert link to primed nade topic here>

-Zero: ive decided against a 3.vs.3 but i think the format for the matches that i have come up with will interest you. i writing out a .txt with a tourney outline. it has the round/player info in it. ill post link to it once its finished and uploaded.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Favorite clan name?
« on: January 17, 2006, 02:58:43 PM »
the letters stand for the name... generally strange groupings of letters and numbers dont appeal to me very much

k well ill get a few things together and i'll post a rough description o the tourney. at this point i dont feel like anything is concrete, maps, players per team, server settings, etc. although i cant give definite details, it'll give you an idea of wut im looking to do with the tourney.

on a side note, jitspoe:
how long do u think till there will be a server build with the primed nades available? i think that might be more appropriate than insta nades. wether or not primed nades will be used, timed nades will be available regardless.

in the mean time any requests/suggestions for the tourney will be valued now while i am still getting the basic rules/settings together. pm me on irc so i can take into consideration any input now as opposed to when the tourney becomes more concrete and difficult to make changes to, whithout it affecting other things. this being said, constructive critiscism is always welcome, it just seems that u(digi) have ideas of ur own that might make this a wee bit constructive/easier/smoother for me at this stage o the process

when im on irc, i always idle - #paintball #conflict #pball-tacs

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Favorite clan name?
« on: January 17, 2006, 02:16:15 PM »
i dun even know wut have of those acronyms stand 4

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