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Messages - wasp

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Other Stuff / Re: ...
« on: August 21, 2014, 09:09:06 AM »
JMR had a civilized conversation and apologized. He was at fault.
In this situation people always say be the bigger guy and just apologise, looks like it was JMR in this case.

The fact that you cant accept any responsibility is just ridiculous, blaming it on Omni and other people. It all started from you and cant believe you don't see that.

Sure jmr didn't handle it well, but you took it so far by making fun of a 16-year old in a wheelchair for being a virgin etc. just shows that you're acting as much of a child, if not more then he is.

I think you should use all of your efforts to try and repair the damage that has been done, as opposed to justifying your actions. JMR was one of the few people capable of making a real positive difference to paintballs future and now he's gone. Instead of teasing him for being a 'kid' I think we should be teased for still playing this game despite having grown up. We need more 'kids' if this game is going to survive...

We are looking for a new active member of Absurd threat [aT] to play in the summer tournaments.

A few of us have returned to paintball recently for the #sPec# tournaments but we struggle to have 3 members online at the same time. This means we are rarely able to match teams for practice.

Contrary to popular belief we actually used to win matches but we are still rusty so need someone who will play regularly (at least for the foreseeable month).

-Match experience
-Ability to speak English
-Microphone for voice recon (we use Teamspeak3,

IRC (#team_aT)

Please comment below if youre interested then contact me via IRC or teamspeak.
(I also have Skype if you want me to add you.)

[aT] will definitely play but we're waiting incase we sign up with more then just myself, paradead and gohan.

IMO that timeout rule is ridiculous, admittedly those who deliberately time out should be punished but if someone genuinely times out (usually a hinderance to THEIR team anyway) then they can't play anymore!?! I think it needs to be more subjective, if they are thought to be doing it deliberately (I.e happens more then once) then their entire team should be disqualified but if only happens once then maybe a couple of rounds 'ban' is best.

For example if it happened to me (which isn't unlikely) then it would just be 3v2.. And at an obvious disadvantage! (Lol maybe not so obvious, probably better without me atm)

P.S thank you to prozajik for defending JMR and saying what (I hope) the rest of the community feels toward certain eX members behaviour. (The rest of us appreciate what youre doing jmr!) Hopefully this thread won't be flamed much more (miracles happen right?...)

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Official Maplist: Vote
« on: October 13, 2013, 11:55:18 AM »

Other Stuff / Re: Favourite Songs!!!????
« on: September 27, 2013, 07:01:52 PM »
amen brother.

yeah i rarely use skype now to be honest, just teamspeak. But i think Oxz use skype for voice recon and a lot of people just use skype to get a match too.

Ah right, yeah i get annoyed too :D everytime i come back after a break people are using different programs.
aha! yeah i think the advantage is that people use skype to just talk to friends, so it saves not having to download a specific gaming program i suppose. But im not its biggest fan of using it whilst gaming, fps lag :(


Edit: Never mind, I see you meant just posting teamspeak info.  I guess that can be put on there as well.  I think I'm just going to merge all these threads so all the info is in one spot.

Yeah perhaps might be better if the feature vote says something like "Updated dp global login profile: to include Skype, voice client and Xfire" but thanks for getting back to me :) [might be abit long though?]

Also, In my experience trends mean people switch from program to program, previously ICQ and Xfire were regularly used but now Skype seems to be popular. So might be an idea to make a scroll down choice of what to list (e.g. skype, xfire, voice client). Then the player can click "Add" and you can add however many options said player uses.

Although maybe an easier and better idea might be an option to add "other" , so if (skype for example) is not listed then the player can input that themselves. This would also save threads like this in the future when newer things come out too ;)

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Team Infantic videos
« on: September 25, 2013, 05:45:25 PM »
Yep but i think any player would get frustrated in that situation nonetheless.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Team Infantic videos
« on: September 25, 2013, 05:08:56 AM »
lol to be fair i dont blame him for getting angry when every kill on him was when in base/hill area.

Other Stuff / Re: iOS 7
« on: September 21, 2013, 12:49:35 AM »
I deliberately didn't get ios7 immediately so I could read the reviews etc. and after hearing about them I don't think I will. Most people I've spoken to say its too childish and have similar issues to those above.

And Cameron I'm pretty sure that you can't change it back :/

Mapping / Re: Inspirational Pictures for Mapping
« on: September 20, 2013, 10:25:24 AM »
Im not so sure, narrow tunnels are never very good for gameplay to be honest :s i think you would definitely have to include something abit more open like Grand Central Station ( as the mid of the map, with tunnels only leading to the bases or something. :)

[My picture was probably a bad example of what it could look like but you get the idea  ;)]

Yeah thats a good shout Narga, i might try taking a look at it but the likelihood is i will try to get a kind person to help me  ;) or just rely on the system  ::)

Lmao toxiic you've managed to state the obvious twice and turn a feature request into a flame thread...great job.
I guess you did not comprehend what I said there, please learn to read or maybe I did not make it clear enough. I guess I will reiterate, jitspoe has only a small amount of time that he can put into this game; depending on the day, he can only do so much, he has to read messages/work on bugs/work on better graphics and etc... What you are requesting may only take 10 mins(which I doubt it will take 10mins), but needs days, for it to be tested/processed. Also you speak about cleaning up the feature vote, but please be noted that there are MILLIONS of this that can be brought into the feature vote system list, so even if jitspoe cleans that stuff that is not "important", there will always be more things coming into the feature vote list. More importantly, the most important features will take alot of time, which means jitspoe needs to make priorities, in other words, jitspoe needs to give x amount of time inorder to finish that project "a" and if he gives time to another project "b", he's only increasing the time on his other project "a".  Also please read the forms for what jitpsoe thinks his priorities,  for example: help the clan sence or help get more players?

Btw your welcome, I do best to stating the obvious, but some times the "obvious" is not so conspicuous.

Firstly, i was making a serious suggestion that something does need to be done to sort out the feature voting system.
Perhaps I need to reiterate. not you.

OBVIOUSLY Jitspoe focuses what little time he has in the best way to improve the game. MY ARGUMENT was that the volume of feature requests piled up might not allow the system to work efficiently, (i.e. those which would improve the game may be left unseen on page 3 so something needs to be done to sort that)
OBVIOUSLY there are new feature votes coming in all the time, but it would help if we removed some which would never be achieved (in jitspoes' opinion) RATHER THAN just leave it there for people to waste a vote on.
OBVIOUSLY any feature that is carried out takes time and has to be tested (OBVIOUSLY some more then others, Mine far less so for example).
OBVIOUSLY he prioritises. lmao.
MY suggestion was specifically targeted to "help the clan sence". I believe you mean "scene", so don't tell me to learn to read.
Perhaps YOU need to read the forums as thats what my feature request was all about. LOL.

[+1 for RoBiNandL!nk too]

I feel that jitspoes latest grass1_4 texture, although an improvement on before, just seems too grey to be grass, whereas cusomans edited one is more green, more realistic and in my opinion just nicer to look at.

what's the texture you want to see done (or re-done) most?

I'll probably focus on sew1_6 next.

I think the one that DESPERATELY needs work on is the texture of the bridge on pp1, wizwood1_3 (i think?). In your hr4 pack it has begun to look very dull compared to the other textures and i would go as far to say that it makes the rest of the map look bad. Im not saying to make it like sunmans one (as its abit cartoonish), but i do prefer that specific sumans texture to yours without a doubt (On the whole i prefer yours to his i might add).

Personally i think your sewer textures arent the major issue, yours already look good, its the more commonly used textures, the metals in particular. The majority of sunmans metal textures are more pleasant to look at.

Good job on stating the obvious toxiic, im making the point that perhaps the feature vote system could be cleaned up abit, i.e any features that jitspoe feels he will never implement should be removed either because they are unfeasible or have too many negative votes (although I think that may be being done) because most players will not want to go through and vote on 3 pages of feature requests, so good ones that could seriously improve the game may go unseen and therefore gain no votes...

The reason why: my feature request will probably take 10 minutes compared to others which may take months yet will help players communicate easier, so the ability to find a match will be improved. But my one will go straight to the back of a long queue of feature requests..

LOL, this one is sick.

LMFAO at first i was like this one sucks but when the dubstep kicks in :')

And +1 for stonehenge

On that note, perhaps there should be a feature vote to sort out the feature voting system as no admin has replied to this.....

From the looks of things a negligible amount of voting has occurred recently but more importantly how many of the top feature votes have actually been implemented?

I appreciate that many might be near impossible or just take too much time, but why bother making the feature vote system in the first place if nothing happens.
I see the irony in me posting this feature vote request but im confident my suggestion might actually happen one day..

EDIT: just looked at the votes that have been implemented and the two biggest are team auto-balance and Visible weapons but the rest all have under 100 overall +votes

Thats nothing really to do with what my suggestion was. Most EU players now use skype to communicate with other players (either using voice or mainly just typing to ask if they want to play etc.)

I see alot of people now typing in their skype name into boxes which are now relatively useless on dplogin, such as AIM screen-name and YIM screen-name.

I think better boxes to add would be the two I suggested, skype and Voice client. This would be very easy for jitspoe to do, especially compared to making an in-game voice client...(which would be way cooler but highly unlikely to happen).

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