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Messages - Luzifer

Pages: [1]
Help and Support / Re: How I can change my clantag?
« on: March 15, 2008, 08:54:42 AM »
aha, this is the I can understand, thx for this lesson^^

Help and Support / Re: How I can change my clantag?
« on: March 14, 2008, 12:30:40 PM »
no, the hole tagname have to be in the same color:

[ and ] have to be in the same color like SuKi

Help and Support / Re: How I can change my clantag?
« on: March 03, 2008, 06:50:54 AM »
oh, yeah, thank you  ;D

Edit: :( hmm...I'm still not authorized to use this tag, why that?  :'(

Edit: Ahh, I think it's still too long, so I changed my name to [SuKi]Luzifer.

Help and Support / How I can change my clantag?
« on: March 02, 2008, 12:54:49 PM »
hi, my problem is: I've created a clan, then I changed my name, but either my name is too long or I'm not aloud to use this clantag.
My full name with the original clantag is:
[-Su-Ki-]LUxZIxFER (x is something between the syllable)
My short name with short tag:

Both versions aren't recommendable because the 1st is too long, so the name "noname" will be shown or I'm not aloud to use this clantag (although I'm the leader!) and the 2nd is not the original clantag.

So my question is, can/how I change my clantag or can/how I delete my clan for creating a new?

Please help me  :'(

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