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Messages - 3dblu

Pages: [1]
Aight cool!! I am very happy it is fixed and not a problem with the model :)
Uh ? when do we get together on the animation end of this chap??

uh oh that is not cool.  I wonder if in the conversion between poly to mesh verticies were not welded.

General Development / MASK
« on: June 22, 2005, 01:55:15 PM »
Lookin' killer S8N.  Looks alot better than the other one posted early on in the thread.

We could also add some polys to the head area.  Using aplha channel to simulate hair.

moving on to unwrapping stage ;D


updates ;D

Update..........jersey untucked, need crits.  I will be gone this week from sun-sun(5/20-29) most likely, so I prob won't get back to this till then.

edits on the shoes, jersey neck, longer visor and fingers

Ok here are some more edits such as added detail to the bill of the mask, also some optimization.  The jersey neck also made to look a lil loose.  Notice the hard edge on the neck and the chest that will NOT be there the head and body are two separate meshes at this point so that's why that appears.


just some more progress..........lemme know


Newer.....sleeve edits

Hey all,  Here is some progress on the model.  Wanted you guys to have a look just to make sure I am headed in the right direction.  I see the character as a contemporary tournament player.  As a result I have modeled in baggy pants and a loose jersey.  I have tried to show the look of the jersey through the wrinkles in the sleeves and along the sides of the torso.  I have added some wrinkles on the front but as many players may wear a breast plate or some sort of added protection under their jersey, I tried to give it more "bulk".  The pants are baggy as many players wear loose fitting pants for manuverability.  The ref pic Jitspoe gave shows the player with tucked in pants.  I didn't really think that this was too common so chose the more probable route.  If these choices are not desireable then I can always go in and make adjustments.  I personally think the refpic sorta looked like the dudes mommy dressed him.  Now the mask, I can add more geometry if wanted or leave as is.  Also notice the polys inside the mask intended for the texturing of the face of the player.  As the model sits now it has 2402 faces.  It is really up to Jitspoe how detailed we want to get.  I can go up to 3000 and and add detail wherever wanted or needed.  Maybe add mor physical detail to the mask as an example.  We could even add hair to the model by using single polys assorted and textured so as to give the impression of  actual strands of hair.  Ok I can't really think of anything else questions, comments and useful critiques please let me hear them and help develop something we are all proud to release.

Hey guys I have some shot of another char. I've done
the first few shots are unedited and there is one with a close up of the mask.  Lemme know so i can get this thing as good as possible.  Please keep in mind that this is really a base in which to work off of I have many edits to make such as the mask.


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