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Messages - H3L Ownage

Pages: [1]
Start Making Tournaments Guys, Check it out!

A different description box for each map so that they can vary the rules/gametype.
Maybe the format is flawed? Maybe you should have:

[general stuff - tourney name, etc.]


[others that im too tired to think of]



It's looking good, though...

That requires a lot of work lol (which we wouldn't mind doing) as long as you can put out a detailed layout and explain why it would be more effective, plus this would go under the "Site Suggestions" in our forum at Tournament Front, because all the Tournaments for every game have the same style of Creation.

And ya, I can give you a Banner that fits the dimensions of that Adsense banner ;)

Here you go

or a simpler one

*Note also that we are working on an easy way to "Link" up the sites that we use their games for Tournaments so hopefully in the near future, there will be a link directing new players to this site so they can see what its all about.

Erm, small thing. You might have siegecastle and propaint1 in the same tournament. Siegecastle only supports siege mode and propaint1 doesn't support siege. Therefore, you need a gametype box for each map, and maybe a desciption box for each map.

I Kind of Understand what your saying, but if you could make a list of "Default Maps" for each gametype that would be fantastic, because users can always say "Use this Custom map *Blah* instead of the Defaults" in the description box.

Please continue to post any changes that may need fixed.

The sub domain is more of a Name for us than it is a link, because when its finally "embedded" in the site it will be easy access so it being long won't really matter.

Glad you guys like it....

Remember If you See ANYTHING wrong, please post it on here or if you could, start making accounts on the Tournament Website...
And visit the forums there, go to Game Requests and find Digital Paintball... post anything you see that needs changing there :)


Alright, Digital Paint: Paintball 2 on will be "Live" Soon, the community can go make accounts and the Digital Paint: Paintball 2 section will be under the PC Tab when it is officially "Live"...

Hopefully some community members try it out and spread the word so some Tournaments can be made.

Also Remember *Private Tournaments can be made for anyone doing "Cups" or "Special Event Tournaments", just Spread your link around to get people to see your tournament.

Have Fun,


*Updated name (Subdomain changed so other links do not work)

*Tournament you create now will not count as it is not a function game on the website yet, just in beta.

To change the description, theres a "Description Box" Put whatever you need to say in there...., there are drop down boxes for the rules....
Javascript must be enabled to view this page correctly
The Tournament Starts when the tournament Fills up with participants, When the Tournament Starts there is a Deadline to get the Match Done, if the Time Limit runs out and the match is not done, forfeits will be given and the Tournament will continue to move forward.

And please post this on the news and maybe Post an announcement on the forums or something. I will try to have this Up and Running, not beta anymore, by this weekend.


All of the gametypes listed were added

I'm  going to give this a couple more days review, then I need to talk with someone about how we will let the Digital Paint: Paintball 2 Community know this is available.

For your gametypes, please list what they are for

1v1,2v2,3v3,4v4 ect....


And as for maps, the players that create the tournament can just put down what map they want in the description box


Check it out and tell me what you think

*It's not Live yet so don't create any tournaments.... I need to know people like it before we put it live on the site.

which it would so, ill add 1v1 and 3v3 - Im letting the scoring go from 5 - 100 in increments of 5 and timing from 5 - 50 in increments of 5 k So iut gives the players whatever they want,

Default settings will be 50 Points and 20 Minutes of course....

Thank you very much, now I can definitely set up a Beta Page - Hopefully it will be done soon

Thanks again, if theres anything to add just post it here and ill update accordingly.

Theres no 1v1 or 3v3?
You cant set the time different?

you were very vague,
you didn't list 1v1,2v2,3v3,or 4v4

CTF Is a gametype
1 Flag CTF Is a variable under that gametype

Is Elimination a type of CTF? Are there any Killing Gametypes?

50 Points is Max Captures or Kills?

20 minutes is the max amount of time?

What are the default settings for each Gametype?

I see it, but I must not have been clear sorry, I need

Minimum and Maximum Values....


Time Limit = 1 Minute to 100 Minutes
Flag Captures = 1 Capture to 100 Captures
Maps = (Name of Map), (Name of Map), (Name of Map)

And I need the type of Options for EVERYTHING that can be changed.

For this game I feel it might be a lot of work, but it will give the users of our Tournament Site Full Customization which is what we strive to do.

Sorry for the Invonvience....

I realize there may be ALOT of Options so if someone would just List the Basic Ones like

If the game can be played as 1v1,2v2,3v3,4v4,5v5 ect..
Kills/Flag Captures Per Game
Time Limits

We can get a "Beta' Tournament Creation page started for you guys to add to and look at.

Thanks again

wow.... thats a lot of commands, would you be interested in only listing the ones that actually would be changed in a tournament lol

I think we will have it so it Only shows

Map Selection
Flag Captures

And then have Advanced Opitions (On or Off)
And then put all the Variables other than that listed above under this... Sound good?

Game Options as in pretty much anything a User can change in the game,

For example (but not limited to)

time limit
Ammo Limit
One shot kills

Pretty much anything that the user can choose for a match.

I'd like to get this started, but no one has given many any game options sadly so theres really nothing more I can do...

Srry to double post, but can anyone give me the game options and is anyone else interested in this?

Maybe Moderators or Admins can post this in places, to help hype this up because I'm positive it will help the community...

Plus on the site your able to

- Make Teams
- Level Up using the In-Site ranking system

I mean there are a ton of Features!!! so if maybe this Thread could get some publicity, that would be awesome

Brandon, whose Cody?

Cody is one of the two head people at Tournament Front, I'm a moderator looking to help the site out thats all :)

The only problem is enough people from the community would have to want to play it for us to put it up :/ So hopefully more people reply saying that they would like this.

I was just wondering if this community would like to have an easy, customizable tournament website where players can play for fun (free) or for Cash (Competitive). Examples would be Check out that website and see how it works... all we would have to do is add Digital Paintball to the List of PC Games and you guys have your very own Tournament Website. Hopefully enough of you are interested in this idea. Thanks!

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