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Messages - dukeisdog

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Help and Support / So I made a clan, and can't leave.
« on: June 08, 2008, 03:43:27 PM »
My friend who was a co-leader left to join another clan, and he asked if I wanted to join. I said sure, because a couple of my friends are in it, and kicked all 8 people that we're in mine, but I can't join the other clan because I'm still in mine.

Whenever I try to leave mine, it says there must be one active leader. What do I do?

You guys aren't being very helpful?

Ok. I used to have a server, that I just played with friends on, but I cleaned up my desktop, and at the time, my PB wasn't running at all, so I got rid of the server startup shortcut... Big mistake.

I realized that something was wrong, so I just remade the shortcut, and it's still not working.

Here are some pics.
This is what I'm now getting when I run my server startup:

This is what my Configs folder looks like:

I wouldn't say that I'm a total noob when it comes to this, because I figured this out on my own last time, but I can't seem to figure out why it can't Exe the cfg.

Any help soon would be very much appriciated. Thanks.

Well when I play FS, it seems to run much better.

So something like this?

+ sizeup viewsize 100 ?

Like all in one?

Edit: Nvm. Figured it out. Thanks a lot Jitspoe.  ;D

I hadn't even heard of that game until now.

I thnk it looks pretty sweet.

Yeah. Sorry for double post.

It did work. I can now select going into games and fixing settings, and all of that stuff.

I was just about to play a game of UB cliff (Syncmasters Cable),  and now this is happening with my screen. It's not a HUGE problem, but I'd much prefer that I can play in fullscreen, because it reduces lag.


Well either or.

I'll give that a try. Thanks.

Ok. I got a picture.

I'd also like to say that I was trying to fix the screen size in paintball, so it would be a little bit bigger, and easier to play.

Here's the pic.

As you can clearly see, I put the game too big to fit my screen. As soon as I accepted the changes, this happened. Does anyone have any idea how to fix it?

Ok. So yesterday I took my computer out of my room, and brought it downstairs. For some reason, it restet everything to my old default settings, which is weird. I wasn't able to go into fullscreen, which really ticked me off, because when I'm not in FS, i lag LOTS. I eventually figured it out, and was happy again.

So earlier today, at about 4:00 my time, which is right after I get home from school, I open up paintball to go play a game of Syncmasters Cable UB Cliff, and the whole menu and everything is smeared. I can't click on anything, because there aren't even any links to "Join Game" or go to adjust my "Settings".

I'd love to take a Screenie so that it'd be a bit more easier for you guys to somehow fix this problem, but there isn't a default screenshot setting, and I didn't need to take a S.S earlier, so I didn't set it to my normal button.

I REALLY wanna play paintball tonight, or tomorrow, but I'm to computer stupid to figure it out myself. I've tried everything. I couldn't find a console command or anything, so if someone can somehow help me, please post.

Thanks.  ;D

Edit -- Before anybody asks, yes I've re-installed Build 21, AND the update, and still nothing.

Help and Support / Re: Getting error when it's loading the map
« on: May 04, 2008, 06:17:18 PM »
Yes. I figured it out now. Thanks.

Help and Support / Re: Getting error when it's loading the map
« on: May 04, 2008, 01:24:04 PM »
Never had any memory issues before.

I was running windows media player the first time it happened, but then I figured that'd be the problem, so I exited it, and tried to play paintball again, but the same thing happened.

I have 69.9Gb's left in disc C, so I don't really know what could be going wrong.

Help and Support / Getting error when it's loading the map
« on: May 04, 2008, 12:59:29 PM »
I'm really confused. Everytime I'm looking at the servers to play at, I'll get a message. The game was working fine yesterday, so I don't know what's happening.

Z_Malloc: failed on allocation of 262204 bytes

What does it mean?
How can I fix it?


Help and Support / Re: Looking for some actual paintball maps
« on: April 12, 2008, 01:05:24 PM »
I love XBall. I completely forgot about it until yesterday.

And I'm just about to try out yardspeed. Thanks for the help, guys.

Help and Support / Looking for some actual paintball maps
« on: April 11, 2008, 07:23:19 PM »
You know, like the one's that you could go play at if you we're to actually go out and play paintball.

I've seen a couple before, and really liked them, but I lost all of my maps recently, and would like to play some on my server.

Can someone give me a link, or just name some to me please? Thanks.

Thanks for the help guys.

I figured it out.


Would it be best if I just make another CFG file?

So change it from Cfg.cfg to just Cfg.?

Thats my console after trying to EXEc the file, and entering the password.
Thats my connection thing, that I started up before I started paintball.

My photobucket wont work.

I have screenshots, just not an IMG code for them, because they wont upload.

I'll try again.

Well what I think the problem is, is that it's trying to load something that isn't even there.

How do I prevent this?

And I've already tried all of the passwords and stuff, and it just says bad password. That's after I load the Server CFG.

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