« on: April 17, 2008, 03:03:32 AM »
Hey all. Yep a newbie here. I have been trying to play this game but have had no luck. My issues didn't fit the many issues listed or perhaps I missed it, not sure but my eyes are sore from reading so much...that said..
1.Created a Global account, activated, logged in, etc..
2. When I created the name and correct password in the DP setup window, it logged in, or so it says. But it's being a sneaky devil.
3. I go to play, nope, kicked out, no global account according to any server I tried. Some start to load, then kicked.
4. Get this... my password keeps doubling in the setup PB window. The login portion. My password is say..
after I enter and login, get kicked, exit , I open PB and it has this..
no way to delete, edit, shoot, scrub, this password either.
Oh, I can reinstall yet again just to have it repeat as it did twice to me but I'd rather find out what's going on before I simply hit the del button for this game . BTW, remember password keeps enabling itself :\
My set up is AMD 64 4200+ dual core, XPpro sp2, 2 gig ram, 2 wd hd, one sata one ide, I'm on sata. IDE is only storage.
Thank you,