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Messages - BlaSTa

Pages: [1] 2
Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Impersonators
« on: April 16, 2006, 01:09:25 PM »
Seems Nick and Buritto is the same person:

      PlayerConnect   ˆTˆCÐÍ׈T‘ˆPõòßíáóôåòˆ9   Blue   12085.8
      PlayerConnect   [e33t]dirtyburrito   Blue   10900.8
      PlayerConnect   ˆµˆHeR33tˆµ‘ˆ`DˆÙiˆÇòˆ‡ôYˆØˆ9   Red   216.5
      PlayerConnect   ˆCˆQÐÍ׈C‘ˆPãˆIìˆ÷ˆÈîˆ×ˆ9   Blue   898.9
      PlayerConnect   ˆSˆCÐÍ׈T‘ˆ•õò߈Aíáóôåòˆ9   Blue   25468.2
      PlayerConnect   [GT]Nick   Blue   1800.8
      PlayerConnect   ˆSˆCÐÍ׈T‘ˆ•õò߈Aíáóôåòˆ9   Blue   1845.5

I'm not gonna waste time converting the funnames.

Server Discussion / Re: Illegal instruction
« on: March 12, 2006, 04:51:47 PM »
  Sorry it took so long to reply. I had problems logining into the forums.
  I just wanted to thank Jits and Bain for the help they gave me, so Thank you Jits and Bain.
  The server is running with this build, too bad this old processor can't run the best build, someday I may come accross a newer box to put a server on.  But until then it's running.
  Thanks again.

Server Discussion / Re: Illegal instruction
« on: March 08, 2006, 09:00:52 AM »
HA! It's not even a pentium.

processor       : 0
vendor_id       : AuthenticAMD
cpu family      : 5
model           : 8
model name      : AMD-K6(tm) 3D processor
stepping        : 12
cpu MHz         : 444.591
cache size      : 64 KB
fdiv_bug        : no
hlt_bug         : no
f00f_bug        : no
coma_bug        : no
fpu             : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level     : 1
wp              : yes
flags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr mce cx8 pge mmx syscall 3dnow k6_mtrr
bogomips        : 884.73

Server Discussion / Re: Illegal instruction
« on: March 07, 2006, 12:03:56 AM »
You know what? I think I lied to you bain, I think it's a P450... heck it's so old I can't even remember.  That was always the nice thing about Paintball, I used to run a poor cable server on a P200MX... now I run a poor cable server on a P450. :)
  As I've seen you say Jitspoe, it doesn't take much cpu to run paintball.  This P450 was pretty good in it's day.

Server Discussion / Re: Illegal instruction
« on: March 05, 2006, 04:09:04 PM »
  Ok thx, I don't use AIM, I'll just try getting in touch with you on irc.  Thank you.

Server Discussion / Re: Illegal instruction
« on: March 02, 2006, 09:07:20 PM »
  I get the same message, so i'm sure it's on my end.  The box runs v14 or whatever with no problem.  I'm wondering if anyone else has had this error?  I'll try rebooting at some point, but that's usually not the problem with linux unlike windows. I looks like something in the first couple of lines of the exe must be what it doesn't like.
  The files are extracted as a user and not as root, using root gets the same message so I'd guess it's not a permission problem, but of course I could be wrong.  I'm using tar xvfz <file> to extract.

Server Discussion / Re: Illegal instruction
« on: March 02, 2006, 07:07:14 PM »
I'm using the full install file. The linux box is local on the same lan.  It's currently running the FRoZen Pball server.  I changed port on that server to make sure that wasn't the problem. I extracted and was trying to run the v16 server from a different directory than the current server.

Server Discussion / Illegal instruction
« on: March 01, 2006, 10:31:27 PM »
  I tried to install the v16 linux server. I extracted the files like normal and tried to start the server.
  I get this:

Paintball 2 -- Version 3.21+r0.16
Illegal Instruction

  and then back to the prompt.

  I realize this is a linux error not a pball error but I did try to remove and reinstall the files without any cfg editing, and still got the same message.
  I'm running Red Hat Linux
  I tried several cmd lines including:
./paintball2 +set dedicated 1 +map midnight

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: moved serverlist
« on: February 14, 2006, 08:58:27 AM »
Now the message says "Failed to open severlist.txt", but the ip is listed at that address.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Friend Gets Error
« on: February 13, 2006, 12:39:57 AM »
I get that error when I alt/tab out of the game.  I have dual monitors and just assumed it had something to do with that.  I previously could alt/tab out with dual monitors but would occasionally get that error when trying to start pball.  I would reinstall the old drivers and it would work again for quite a while.  Finally after a windows update I could no longer get the game to start untill I removed the 2nd monitor. Since then I've upgraded both video cards and use current drivers, and don't alt/tab.  Also other programs like pokerstars will cause the error for me when they pop to the topscreen.
  I'm using build 14, AGP 6800GT and PCI 5200FX cards.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: moved serverlist
« on: February 13, 2006, 12:29:09 AM »
Seems the gamespy link moved again.  New link?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: do i need to pay to get digital paintball?
« on: November 11, 2005, 11:00:05 AM »
  You don't have to pay to download this game.  They have free download servers below the paid subscription servers. Just look down the page towards the bottom a bit more.  You may have to register, but that's pretty easy, and free.

The fact that Eddie had 9 flag caps is amazing. Good job Bain, looking good.

Edit:  Ok, doh, it was someone with Eddie's name most likely.

Eddie is an acebot.  Eddie runs almost all the time on this server, occasionally I'll remove him if I see the server filling up.

When the server fills with maxclients Eddie the acebot temporarily leaves. When the next map starts Eddie will rejoin the game if the maxclient isn't full.  Eddie causes some name problems also, when full with real players and the map changes sometimes a real player will end up with Eddies name.  At first I thought this was someone gaining access to the server, but it's not and is more funny than a problem to me.  I actually laughed when I saw what you described.
BTW, George was probably also an acebot.

« on: September 22, 2005, 12:31:54 AM »
What problems are you having?  Post the problem and someone will probably try to help you.  There are plenty of threads on this forum about starting a server, and a readme is included if I remember correctly.

Server Discussion / Re: Why do people play on crappy servers?
« on: September 12, 2005, 10:50:49 PM »
  I'd have to say a crappy server to one person could be the preferred server to another person.  The Frozen Pball Public server which I run would be considered a crappy server by most.  It was started because I've gotten alot out of pball and haven't given much back. I was actually surprised to see people play on it since most people have such a high ping on it.  It hasn't been used much lately and that's fine, it's there whether it's used or not.  It's been recently upgraded to 7M broadband which is still slower than the prime servers.  It does have some maps which aren't played much on the other servers, and of course Eddie is almost always there for you to get owned by. :)
  I don't really mind playing on any server, as long as the lag isn't so bad that I pjack.  I'd rather play on a crappy server that the people with login are decent than any server that has jerks and inconsiderate people with login.  Even with my crappy server I still try to be fair and respectfull of other players, even more so than when I play on their servers. :)
  I get a 200+ ping on the German servers but they don't seem laggy most of the time. Heck, I even played on the Brasil server a while back and it wasn't that bad with my 300+ ping.  You just lead your target about 30 feet.  ;)

Frozen Pball <Public>

Computer type: AMD 450 (Only used for a pball server)
Operating system: Linux Red Hat
Available Database: None currently being used
Perl Availability: Could be with some help
Webspace/PHP Availability: Not currently being used

I'd be the first to admit I don't know much about Linux, thus Red Hat.  However, I'd be willing to give access to someone to help config the system and add any programs needed.  Webspace could be found, there just isn't any current need for it.

Server Discussion / Re: I Started A Server
« on: August 19, 2005, 01:17:25 AM »
It needs to report to the serverlists. If you have access to the console then you should see "Sending heartbeat: http://dpballcom/serverlist.php"  If it's getting through it will say "Success".
  The first heartbeat probably has isn't sucessful because the serverlist address changed.  You can set it by typing "set serverlist1" in the console.
  I also saw it on AllSeeingEye but now I don't. I don't personnally use the built-in serverlist very often.

Server Discussion / Re: I Started A Server
« on: August 18, 2005, 01:45:39 AM »
1.) Edit the server.cfg:
     Change: set grenadeffire 1 to set grenadeffire 0
2.) Restart the server and add: +set maxclients 8 to your commmandline.

There's other ways but I know this will work too.

Map Graveyard / Re: 3 Newer small-maps
« on: July 28, 2005, 10:53:16 PM »
 I looked at most of his maps. I think he's got potential as a map maker.  I also agree he should try to put some time into one map and make it bigger and better.  I think some of his maps (he's released what 7 or 8 already?) show come creative thinking which just needs some more work. However I also agree that most of his maps shouldn't have been released.  The funny thing is that when you guys told him to make them bigger and add content, he pumped these smaller ones out.  ???  I'd suggest that he gets away from the blitz style maps.
  Of course this comes from a non-mapmaker, but I sure have seen alot of them. :)

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