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Messages - guy_fawkes

Pages: [1]
Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: jitspoe's .plan
« on: September 22, 2008, 07:33:31 AM »
I still refuse to believe that Jit's last name is Wulf. That'd just be too awesome.
I saw his name here 
And, yeah, i am new  ... XD

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: jitspoe's .plan
« on: September 21, 2008, 07:27:40 PM »
nathan wulf?

Server Discussion / Re: Admin abuse in Artic^ Jump
« on: June 26, 2008, 12:24:55 PM »
Thank you Ic3y

Server Discussion / Re: Admin abuse in Artic^ Jump
« on: June 26, 2008, 11:00:47 AM »
HAHAHAHAAHA anyone changed name that iit  is called   Artic^ match 2  but i am banned yet

Server Discussion / Admin abuse in Artic^ Jump
« on: June 26, 2008, 10:32:37 AM »
ForTheFinal  is OP  3  in that  Server... and he   Killed me with admin kill  because i did not want to give him Final flag in
hardjump   map    at   18:27    in   26/6/2008...

and Obviusly i called him meddling excretory opening and then he kicked me...   

PD: ic3y, laged.... plz,   expulse him... he abuse and turn on gravity... 

PPD:  I am Vinc3spain   

Edit:  i am BAnned in that server....  And that's not   temp-ban

that has much logic jistpoe… unfortunately its not possible know who lies and who says the truth ...well...I'll back in 22 days to play. :'(

PD: thank you very much to all for your answer. Its great that this forum work so well. See you
;) ;) ;)

My brother know his fault:     i only blame him,  i don't blame another's only, that i believe that it's not just...only that.

I will have to conform me with my brother's ban... :( :( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

PD: Thanks for your attention

look my post ....  

i also

sure....My IP IS SAME that my brother because we use same PC!!!!

That is to say, which if my brother are banned and I want to play this game in our common PC in our house , I cannot?

It is not just

yeah, my brother cheat.... But i dont know  why i can't play with my account..

i know that cheat is bad to every people,and my brother was an idiot when he installed ZGH hack..but now he dont play this game...and i wanna play, but i can't beacuse he was a f u c k i n g  idiot and played with ZGH hack...

i am waiting to Jistpoe's answer---i even have hope 

oh... I know that, my brother said me but i asked to Jistpoe if he could help me...i am waiting his answer.

Thanks for ur answer Garrett!!!!

Well, my Brother is Banned... and when i created my account 
and tried play, appareaded a message in console that said:

you have been global banned for use ZGH hack...

I told that to my brother and he said me that i Din't have to be Banned, but also said me that i could be banned because He was banned, and we use same PC.

My question is: Why am i banned?
 I dont use ZGH hack...i am beginning to play in this game.

My brother cheated with that hack but i  never cheated.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Game again but it don't work.

Please...i need help.

Can anyone Help me?

PD:obviusly  my Brother is Vinc3 or Muahaha.

Pages: [1]