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Messages - SoftCoder

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My point is not that paintball2 uses lots of RAM, but that users are now using 64 bit OS's and leaving behind 32 bit. You'll see increased bugs related to the fact you deploy an only 32 bit binary as most games (for sure in Linux) are offering both 32 and 64 bit. This was just an informational post, do as you wish, but you will likely miss out on all the players who try to run the program and get no response and walk away to play another game. Not everyone would even have the 32 bit opengl drivers and libs installed on a 64b it system.

My family was trying out the latest release (build 35) and we noticed that there seems to be an issue with NVidia drivers on some 64 bit Linux systems (we use Ubuntu v9-11) where 32 bit Opengl apps sometimes crash (paintball2 being one of those). Googling around I found this:

And tried running paintball2 like this (which works):

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib32/nvidia-current ./paintball2

So i'd highly recommend that paintball2 devs seriously consider releasing native 64 bit builds as i beleive the Linux audience in general is more using 64bit these days as most games and software does actual development on these paltforms due to memory limitations (and required PAE hacks) to use > 4 GB's RAM.


Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Bugfix for map list sort order
« on: December 26, 2009, 11:06:32 PM »
If anyone wants the compiled Linux version I zipped the binary (with the 3 shared libs created by the makefile)

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Bugfix for map list sort order
« on: December 26, 2009, 04:01:58 PM »
While looking at the XReal project and figuring out what features need to be ported to that new quake engine (in order to make a new paintball clone), I noticed on my linux version of PB2 (v27) the maps list seems sorted ina random order as returned by the filesystem. For anyone who knows how to re-compile pb2 this can be fixed since you have access to the code which retrieves the maps list.. actually I changed it for all calls to getting file lists. To fix the map sort order edit qcommon/files.c as follows:

navigate  the method:

char **FS_ListFiles (const char *findname, int *numfiles, unsigned musthave, unsigned canthave)

just above the last line (return list;) add this:

qsort (&list[0], nfiles, sizeof(char *), SortList);

Now navigate to the SortList method and change it to:

int SortList (const void *data1, const void *data2)
    const char **a = (const char **)data1;
    const char **b = (const char **)data2;
    return strcmp(*a, *b);

Recompile and viola.. maps are sorted alphabetically again.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Question for Jitspoe
« on: January 19, 2009, 11:42:04 PM »
Thanks but as you can see I have moved on to another project already. Your offer does nothing to fix my original request. Every change to the client code results in the custom protected DLL thinking I'm hacking DP2. I cannot even properly test such changes, cause the DLL turns off too many features as soon as I compile my changes. No-one will ever help Jitspoe on this project until he opens up that close source dll.


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Question for Jitspoe
« on: January 17, 2009, 12:39:30 PM »
Ok Jitspoe has not responded to any of my attempts to request access to be part of this project. I tried:

1. Posting in this forum clearly marking his name in the subject (not to mention many who replied in here are close to jitspoe)
2. I emailed him
3. I sent feedback from his website's 'contact me' page.

It seems to me that this project doesn't want to move forward and it all lies in the hands of one man.

Since I have had no response, I am starting a new clone of the concepts of dp2. I'll post updates on my blog (mentioned above) and have already been welcomed with open arms to another open source gaming community (who thinks the dp2 concepts are a great idea). My hopes for all of you is that you don't allow the lack of updates to hinder your interest in the camaraderie.

Thanks for all of you who gave kind words or encouragement, I'll try hard to make a nice alternative that is truly "open" and "free".

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Question for Jitspoe
« on: January 16, 2009, 02:29:11 PM »
It has been nearly one week since I posted this message, carefully choosing the subject line and contents of the posting so as to get the attention of Jitspoe. I have even emailed jitspoe's email account (the one he responded to me from earlier) and as of yet I have had absolutely no reply. I have noticed he is replying to other threads but not this one, therefore he is not away on a trip or something like that.

This makes me think I won't even get a response. To me that is childish, but I do hope there is a good reason for not getting any reply as of yet. At this point it looks highly likely I will have to proceed with plan B (make some kind of Paintball clone using a more modern open source project as a reference).

For anyone interested, you will be able to monitor progress on my blog at:

So far I am in favour of using the Cube2 engine since it has decent graphics, and allows for SUPER EASY map-editing.. even to the point that multiple users can edit co-operatively at the same time (actually check out as it is a newer/better version of cube2). I am not totally firm on Cube2 yet.. I am evaluating Cube2, CyrstalSpace and OGRE. There are piles of free contents (like models etc..) at so this project may not take as long I had thought it might.

Anyways, I hope to hear back from Jitspoe shortly, and if not I'll take that as a hint he he plans on hoarding the current codebase (and pretending that somehow its free by posting irrelavant parts of the code on but not the core DLL). The irony is that if you change the free part of the code.. the non-free part of the code disables features as if you were trying to cheat (a side effect of cheat detection stops anyone from doing anything with this project).

Anyways, I do hope as a last effort to not abandon this great community, but that depends on Jitspoe.

Thanks for hearing me out.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Question for Jitspoe
« on: January 10, 2009, 01:47:32 PM »
My plugin system was fairly simplistic, but was attempting to expose simple parts of paintball to accomplish a simple goal.

I play DP2 with my 5 of my 6 children on our LAN. Obviously chatting while playing makes it a lot more fun, so I wanted to integrate an open source program called voicechatter so that ever time one of us connects to another game server on our LAN the voicechatter would auto connect us. A simple feature with lots of value for us.

The point of plugins is that you allow others to "plugin" what they feel is of value, and not force it on everyone. Most open source projects similar to DP2 are fully open source and support plugins and don't have any greater problem with cheats than dp2. You cannot stop cheats... a simple "codecave" on dp2 would easily bypass the existing security in place, same techniques used to bypass commercial games etc.

All I am trying to do is give one final attempt to see if this project will open up to the greater community. If not I'll likely work with my family (and others) to do some kind of Paintball clone using the OGRE graphics engine and the likes. My children already have the talent to do the artwork and models, and I'll code.

Anyways, what do you say jitspoe?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Question for Jitspoe
« on: January 09, 2009, 11:20:57 PM »
Hello Jitspoe. My family and I have enjoyed playing DP2 for a few years now (we play locally on our LAN). My children took it upon themselves to learn BSP and making models, scripting etc. They have made many interesting maps and we enjoy the gaming experience. I know this question has been asked in different ways by different people, but I want to try again:

Is there any way to get more people access to the closed source code so that more people can work on the ever growing feature list? I am a professional C++ developer with over 15+ years experience willing to put some time into this project, only if I have the assurance that this project isn't solely a one man show. I don't care about credit, just to add to the enjoyment of the experience my children would get from enhancing the game.

I have contacted you in the past about other updates I made to the code that is open source to add plugin support but it was ignored. Since then not much has changed in the game and in the community. I believe this community could thrive if more people were allowed to be part of the coding effort. A full open sourcing of the code would help to accomplish that. Worries about cheat detection could be discussed and dealt with but it would all start with a willingness to open up the project to others.

I think that getting people involved is key to the future of this community, new content and new development ideas together would take DP2 to the next level.

What do you say Jitspoe?

Just an FYI, I work a lot in the Borland C++ Builder Compiler. I wrote the actual plugins using Borland C++ and it looks like that Borland was causing the crash, not gamex86.dll

Strangely enough VC++ turns off floating point errors when doing graphics while Borland reports them by default. Even though I turned off floating point errors (which can be normal in graphics programming) still had crashes randomly. I thought as a test I would port the plugins to VC++ (since that was what I was compiling Paintball 2 with). After recompiling everything in vc++ no more crashing. So Borland was doing some crazy things to mess around with memory or the runtime environment.

Anyways, hopefully one day we will be able to work together with jitspoe as a team and crunch down on the feature requests together.


More specifically, I am getting a floating point error crash on the line of code:


in the method:

void SV_RunGameFrame (void)

I only get these errors from compiled versions (Using Visual Studio 2008 Express) and not the shipped version of paintball2.exe

Any ideas what could be wrong? Unfortunately that method call goes into gamex86.dll so I cannot track further.

Spoke too soon.. alas gamex86.dll keeps crashing the game at random intervals. :(

Ok made a little progress. If i edit commands.txt and set everything to 0, now I can at least add bots etc.. thanks for the hint.

Using the release build of paintball 2 with the same config files does not have this problem. I doubt this is related to config files. The only difference is I run paintball2_debug.exe from the same folder and get all kinds of issues. I can do addbot etc.. when not using the debug version no problem.

I am no expert, but as soon as I start a local game on the same box, try to addbot bob, I get an error saying I need level 100. That doesn't seem like "unhindered' to me. I can't even make simple changes to the code that is open and then play locally on the same box cause I cannot even add a bot, and connected human players do not show up in the list. Basically it is crippled (try out for yourself)

Help and Support / Re: Cannot create new account
« on: August 14, 2008, 10:27:53 AM »
Thanks I'm in, I'll get my family in too so they can vote :)

Help and Support / Re: Cannot create new account
« on: August 14, 2008, 10:23:57 AM »
I tried to create a new account and it says I already have one.. I have no idea what the username/pwd is if indeed i already have one. Must key off my email address?? Can anyone help?

Help and Support / Cannot create new account
« on: August 14, 2008, 10:14:49 AM »
I wanted to vote on features for dpb2 but when I create an account it keeps telling me that I already have one? I don't recall having created one before, can anyone help me to get my account setup? What should I do to resolve this issue?


Ok, all I wanted to do was add some features to paintball for my family. I play it on  a local LAN at home with my children (we don't play on global servers). You also use voicechatter to talk between rooms and I added a plugin that would auto-use voicechatter for the whole family when we use paintball. In doing that I added a plugin framework to the code. Unfortunately that was when I discovered some missing code in the source code.. you cannot addbot's etc.. (I assume there is something sutbbing out server-code for recompiled versions of paintball).

We don't cheat and don't care about cheats and don't even play outside of the house. I was disappointed to see such an awesome game hosted on an opensource website ( and yet itself not open source. The code based on the GPL quake engine and yet itself is not GPL.

I understand the need for anti-cheat etc.. I just think the layout of the source code will hinder the HUGE backlog of feature requests to a limited few who will likely never catch up to all the feature requests. If someone else wanted to help add code in a feature, they cannot! You cannot even properly test your changes because the server code disallows a lot of functionality in recompiled versions.

Anyways that is my last word on the issue. I won't argue this anymore. Great job on a n excellent game, poor job on openness.

Wouldn't that mean that Paintball 2 then violates the GPL under which its source code is released (and the Quake 2 source as well)? I am not wanting to wreck a great community here, you guys have all done a great job, but having dpb2 associated with open source is just a pretense. I was hoping this wasn't the case, that the anti-cheat was more of a "Server-side" issue handled similar to warcraft and other games out there).

The problem here is that no-body else can participate in your project as it is partially closed source. Perhaps mentioning that somewhere might save people time realizing that they might as well not waste time since they cannot participate in the project.

Great game, just sad to see its held in the hands of only a few and not shared with all. Thats not free software. At least not as the founder of the free software foundation defines it.


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