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Messages - musickid999

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Map Graveyard / Re: DodgeBrawl (B5 Download/B6 In Progress)
« on: September 13, 2013, 03:53:16 PM »
It was a "lazy" semi-fix to prevent players from camping permanently behind unreachable spots: knowing that one person on your side can actually shoot you means you'd either be slightly more alert, taking your attention away from the opposite side, or you would go hunt them down, thus making you an accessible target to the other side for a longer period of time.

I'm not sure if I should keep it, if I manage to eliminate all the unreachable areas, then I probably will.

Map Graveyard / Re: DodgeBrawl (B5 Download/B6 In Progress)
« on: July 17, 2013, 11:12:13 PM »
Sorry for the multiple posts, but I figure it's alright with a 3 week gap.

I've been trying to get the poly count down, but with the lack of layout planning on my part, as well as the amount of aesthetic details that I have on the map, it's virtually impossible to get it to respectable levels without sacrificing the overall look. Re-doing the map layout to make it function well will also make it seem like a brand new map, so I've decided to avoid that option as well.

A lack of recent feedback also doesn't help me much in terms of what needs fixing apart from aesthetic changes. Therefore, my current plan is to add some final touches to this map and get it closer to (if not into) the final version. The map is definitely still playable, even enjoyable and unique if I do say so myself, but obviously your FPS may suffer a decrease.

So, anything I should consider changing?

Completed Maps / Re: Neon Beta 9: Changed gameplay and no lag
« on: July 17, 2013, 10:59:52 PM »
Looks much much better with the increased brightness.
Most of the things that need fixing are just misaligned textures.

Top barrels' textures need fixing.

Probably should rotate the slope's texture.

Alas! The pain of having perfectly aligned textures on a tilted box. Nice try.


I didn't check both bases for the above misaligned textures, so you should double check them.



You definitely should add a clip brush here, as players can get stuck quite easily on the slanted support column and/or the wall corner if they're going at top speed.

This corner looks kind of awkward, as nothing's actually attached to each other or to the floor.

I'm not sure if you intended this, but players can hop onto the glowing strip and walk across to the bridge on the right side of the screen.

Overall in terms of aesthetics, nice job. The flowing water in the fountain also looks much more natural. I have no idea how the gameplay is though.

Map Graveyard / Re: DodgeBrawl (Beta 6 In Progress)
« on: June 24, 2013, 11:11:08 PM »
Work on this map has now continued.
Beta 6 of DodgeBrawl in progress.

Refer to opening post for details. Could I also get a moderator/administrator to move this back to Beta/In Progress? Thanks a bunch.

Here's some feedback.


It's dark. Very dark. In the two above screenshots, you can barely see where the two walls meet. The first time I ran through there, I couldn't even see if there was a floor and ended up falling through.

It's not much brighter here. I suggest changing the texture of this platform's floor to make it easier for players to see.

The textures above need rotating. I may have missed some spots as well, so you should do a detailed run through and make sure you didn't miss any.

The flow direction of the water in the fountain is awkward to say the least. The red arrows show what you have. While it still wouldn't be realistic, changing the corners so that the water flows in the direction of the yellow arrows might make it look better.

Again, it's dark. The red base is already not very bright, but the overall hue of the blue base makes it even worse. Also, that's an odd texture choice for the base under the flag, though it's not a problem.

Mapping / Re: Community Mapping Project
« on: May 30, 2013, 07:30:46 PM »
Not just the reactors themselves, but with a combination of other buildings. The immediate area around the reactors are not always as open as you might think, depends mostly on the plant and its location.

Assuming players wouldn't be able to get on top of the reactors/buildings and see everything, even something fairly simple as the following could suffice, although modifications to suit two teams would obviously be needed.

Using the above screenshot, maybe something like this. Making the starred buildings the tallest (apart from the reactors) would arguably provide a fair amount of blockage.

Obviously, this is just an example, so don't take this specific layout so seriously.  ;D

Mapping / Re: Community Mapping Project
« on: May 30, 2013, 06:31:15 PM »
Perhaps an energy plant site would make a good setting, using structures such as reactor towers as VIS blockers while generally keeping an open environment.

Mapping / Re: Community Mapping Project
« on: May 30, 2013, 05:33:53 PM »
If the three-hill idea is used, is the intention to give all three hills equal weight or to give the central hill a higher importance?

Being able to change the spawn point of players according to which points their team have captured would also help to move gameplay along, I imagine it wouldn't be impossible to do using various triggers, func_doors and teleports.

Mapping / Re: Community Mapping Project
« on: May 30, 2013, 01:52:06 PM »
I'm game.

Mapping / Re: Mapping Contest! Presented by #Cuso|
« on: February 22, 2013, 06:00:19 PM »
Ha, this reminds me remarkably of that xMAPCOM group I tried to get popular a loooooong way back, complete with first mapping contest! Even the map theme is similar!

Recently found a drive with all my mapping tools and random map ideas, as well as a couple of comparatively-complete .map files I had made. So I came on here to check things out and to my slight surprise, a mapping contest!
On a related note, if I'm the original creator of a map that never got out of beta (DodgeBrawl), but I have plans to do a complete re-do of it, where the only similarities would be in terms of gameplay, would that be an auto-disqualification if I entered it in the contest?

Map Graveyard / Re: New map: Cold War City (beta 4)
« on: March 18, 2011, 12:10:29 PM »
Never got a chance to say this, but C-K, da-yum, you are thorough. :D

Official Feature Votes / Re: Feature: Melee Attack
« on: March 07, 2011, 02:21:58 PM »
I stopped playing PB a while back, school stuff got a bit hectic.
I'm considering coming back for just the mapping aspect, though.
I'm still determined to make an epic sci-fi map, maybe I'll work on Zenith again.

But just to get this back on track, I personally think the in-game aspect of PB (well, since I last played, anyway) is good enough. It's the mapping aspect that could do with a little updating.

Official Feature Votes / Re: Feature: Melee Attack
« on: March 04, 2011, 02:33:01 PM »
I think Narga is talking about DodgeBrawl, yes.

I had a secret(ish) room on either side, where there was a walkie talkie/radio setup. If you pressed a button, an airstrike (complete with jet sounds and all, except you don't see the jet :D ) would hit the rooftops of the opposite side.

I forgot how I did it, but I remember it was used with an "explosion" entity. I forgot if it came originally with BSP, or if one of my older buddies (anyone know the laughingcheese?) had given me a slight mod for BSP to use it.

Either way, I don't have that entity anymore, since I deleted BSP and whatnot.

Map Graveyard / Re: New Map - Warparadise_b1
« on: August 08, 2010, 10:04:58 PM »
Coming from you, Robbie? :D
Anyways, it's not a bad attempt, in the sense that it's your first map. I still wouldn't release it, though.

Map Graveyard / Re: newmap: whiteout
« on: July 10, 2010, 11:23:32 AM »
To your angle spawnpoint problem, you can set the direction of which your player faces when he spawns. So if you want a player to face a specific direction, you add a key = angle, value = "degree of cartesian plane", or 0 to 360 degrees. 0 will face north, 90 will face east, 180 will face south, and 270 will face west.

To add a bit of color, try using one of the rock textures. More specifically, rock3_7 and rocks24_2. Just two suggestions. If they're used right, they could work really well.



Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: New Map: Green Hill Zone
« on: March 07, 2010, 09:43:32 PM »
No. Not again. Don't we have enough of these maps? Disregarding the gameplay (however good it is), it looks exactly the same as a few different other maps. Grassy hills, rocks/steps, barrels strategically placed, wooden bridges, etc. Come on.
I'm not ripping on anyone personally, I'm just pointing out the fact that maps with the above characteristics are being pumped out way too often.

Mapping / Re: Leisure Mapping Team
« on: January 26, 2010, 09:51:45 PM »
Except half the time nothing really happens on IRC. Takes too long sometimes to get an answer. By that time I just get bored. Seems easier to be able to just chat with them on xFire or something, where you know they're going to answer in the next few minutes.
I personally find #pbmappers somewhat pointless. Seems way too, for lack of a better word, formal. Something you'd probably go on just to get help or something.
Anyways, a lot of the idlers on the channel are top mappers like DT or you guys, and some of you'd probably be less willing to do a little mapping with new guys which I wouldn't mind doing, as it gives me practice.

To answer Chef-Killer, I meant a team that gets together occasionally and makes maps for fun, even if they're not going to be released. Helps us more amateurish mappers to practice more while pooling ideas.

As I've clearly stated as well, this team is nothing serious. You could call it a bunch of friends getting together and brainstorming ideas and possibly making good ones work. If there are any.

Mapping / Leisure Mapping Team
« on: January 25, 2010, 09:28:51 PM »
Was wondering if anyone would like to start a mapping team with me. Not for anything serious, just willing to help out some new mappers if they want to get some practice or get some new, unique maps out into the server rotations. Consider it my contribution to the DP community.
xMAPCOM was a failure due to my busy schedule during these months (preparing for university [or college for you Americans]).
Your mapping level doesn't matter. I just want to help when I can and get some new players into mapping.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Whats your favourite jump map ?
« on: January 23, 2010, 08:49:32 PM »

Personally I think this map's too hard.

Other Stuff / Re: How much of a woman are you? Multitasking!
« on: January 23, 2010, 08:27:30 PM »
LOL. 115 first try, that was fun. Does that make me a lady? XD

EDIT: Second try 114 lol.

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