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Messages - Xevran

Pages: [1]
I looked there, couldn't find anything about gun temp though

Basically what the topic says, I'm trying to get a server like most others basically, with having guns at spawn, gun temp gone, and friendly fire off, there might be more, if I find more I'll post it here. How do I fix this stuff?

Also, guns spawn right away in some maps but not all, like blitz it didn't, tunnels it did.

Edit: Friendly fire fixed.

Try updating your list?

Help and Support / Re: Can I delete an account?
« on: July 17, 2008, 02:44:33 PM »
That account was made about 4 days ago I think, and my other one that I'm using now is from quite a while ago. I just thought someone used the account/name because I quit paintball for about 1/2 a year to a year, but I don't remember ever registering but I guess I did but the password was an old one I rarely used so that's why I couldn't figure it out and made the account Fereon/lamsgr

Help and Support / Re: Can I delete an account?
« on: July 17, 2008, 11:00:50 AM »
My accounts are Fereon (chars name, acc I made it with was LamsGR) and Xevran

I do know iNewbie, I used to live around him but now I moved about 250 miles away from where he lives.

Also, he said something to me about you saying we're the same person because of our emails, I found out we had the same emails because somehow he changed the email to my acc, that was fixed now.

Edit: I forgot to say, if you need my email let me know and I can tell you what it is for each account.

Help and Support / Can I delete an account?
« on: July 16, 2008, 09:43:28 PM »
I made an account because I thought someone else had my name, but I found out the pass got changed to something I never use somehow. Can I delete the account I made before I got this one back?

Help and Support / Re: why can't i change my names color
« on: July 16, 2008, 02:58:01 PM »
in the game i notesed that some people have the names in different colors and fonts. i tried a bunch of things but non of them worked help me :'(
Have you tried typing menu setup_funname in console?

Help and Support / Question about a name or password.
« on: July 15, 2008, 10:22:27 PM »
Found the password, for some reason it was a password I didn't have it as....

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