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Messages - skizlerts

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i dont want to put my detached pinky on the internet. fine. intercourse this. its just meddling paintball. its ruining my life at the moment.. i quit. thanks female doges

rofl, why are you blaming me for this??? the only reason im even meddling writing this excrement is because of deadzero the meddling retard who cant keep him mouth shut, and 4 people wasnt the hole pub. learn to count. if u 3 would of kept ur mouths shut this wouldnt of happened. so shut the intercourse up and get the intercourse out.

usually when you cut your pinky off you go to the hospital, not come and whine on the forums....
and i was chirping you because you wouldn't shut up and kept spamming nonsense.

grow up.

lol... DeadZero was randomly yelling at me, i was telling him to stop, and 3 of u guys.. idk which one u were, just randomly came along and told me to shut up. so no. you grow up. and learn to be respective.

the whole pub??? rofl it was 4 of u. and DeadZero started it and wouldnt stop... i hate it when people flame me like that, so i was telling him to stop. i ignored him before i knew he wouldnt stop because hes just that freaking childish.

.... in order to take pics u need to be there right? i left -.-

hmm... i left. i said that... and when u cut ur pinky off the first thing u think about ISNT PICTURES.. and by leave i mean i exit'd out of the game...

ok, theres a story to this. i joined the graffiti paint pub earlyer today, and the map was blitz... everyone was lining and such (including me) and one time it was about 7 on 1, my team being the seven, the one being a noname, so i capped and which made us win... DeadZero0 starts flamming me and calling me a noob.. so i say be quiet all i did was cap. then he says be quiet noob... so i left.. later on i went back and DeadZero0 starts flamming me again calling me a noob capping on a noname.. i tell him to drop it but he says be quiet and calls me by the wrong name.. idk why. then CirCa starts flamming me to saying to be quiet, then AcidRain, then Xero... there all calling me a noob and nerd and be quiet and play.. im typing wildy to stop this and just drop it but they just keep saying be quiet nerd/noob. sooo i was just so pissed up i grabbed my pocket knife and cut my pinky off... i was just so startled that i couldnt feel any pain.. then most of the keys on my keyboard fell off, leaving them detached and bloody. now my computer is trashed, my pinky is gone.. and im just ready to kill myself all together... please make them pay for their abuse. thank you. this went on for a while.. and it doubt it will stop. help...

also i went back there about 7 seconds later as a noname and they werent saying anything about me, or yelling at other people. i never said anything to them before this little episode. so they have no reason to do this.. also as you may guess i wont be playing this for a while.

Help and Support / how do i reset my gravity?
« on: August 21, 2008, 08:24:10 PM »
one day i was messing with my gravity, and now i cant get it back to normal, i set it to 800, but i cant turn when i jump... its just all messed up. i looked at the FAQ, searched for it, even on google and i found nothing. does anyone know the command to reset the gravity?

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