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Messages - socca

Pages: [1]
Help and Support / Re: error beim öffnen/error by starting
« on: July 25, 2008, 01:15:02 PM »
i  asked my father xD and now i can play it^^

Help and Support / Re: error beim öffnen/error by starting
« on: July 23, 2008, 12:02:16 AM »
i had done it 2 times -.-

Help and Support / error beim öffnen/error by starting
« on: July 22, 2008, 01:59:04 PM »
immer wenn ich pb 2 build 0.21 öffnen will kommt da n error:

error during initialization.
Make sure you have an OpenGL capable video card and that the latest driver are installed

aber vorher gings auch habe nix dran geändert voll komisch

Außerdem hab ich shcon den neusten treiber von mener graphik karte drauf. habe dir geforce fx 5500

when i will open paintball then there is an error:

error during initialization.
Make sure you have an OpenGL capable video card and that the latest driver are installed

but before i had played paintball on that configs and i changed nothing

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