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Messages - wax

Pages: [1] 2
Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: jitspoe's .plan
« on: August 19, 2010, 03:17:08 PM »
yes you can if you drown yourself...

Under matches, Clan GZ 12/05/98 you can view the SShot of my clan getting owned by

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Anarchy theme
« on: October 01, 2008, 06:57:53 PM »
Nice theme I enjoy using it, well done

I would like a list of all the team names/players interested in starting this tournament/league please.  Just send me a IM on here with the information.  Thanks

Paintball 2 Discussion / For the teams interested.
« on: October 01, 2008, 06:52:11 PM »
I would like a list of all the team names/players interested in starting this tournament/league please.  Just send me a IM on here with the information.  Thanks

Paintball 2 Discussion / Because of popular demand...
« on: September 30, 2008, 08:47:53 PM »
First I want to say I appreciate all the input from the community in their interests.  With that said I wanted to say I've decided to try a different approach and hopefully one which will aid more support.  Instead of a LAN event which would limit the participants I've decided to go with an online tournament which will hopefully get all ends of the community involved.  I am slow going at this because I hope it to be a much bigger and more enjoyable experience for us all.  I don't have a current date yet because this will need some more planning i.e. Server support, a webpage, advertising, accomodations to players real-life schedules etc..  This tournament will have an entry fee however as well as a cash prize payable through PayPal.  Nothing will be handled without the most secure payment methods I promise.  The tournament will most likely be a 3v3 style, double elimination, with prizes paid for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd spots.  Based off of a 60, 30, 10% payout.  In turn however their will be a surrcharge which will be designated to the servers in which will lend aid in supporting.  I only want to use servers that will be specifically dealing with the tournament and nothing more.  So if anyone can help with that please get back with me and we will discuss the overhead for such.  Also after this tournament I hope to have it as a welcoming for the Waxed Paintball League.  This league will only be overseen by me, and ran mostly by the community.  I will arrange the prizes, format, and rules.  The scheduling will be dealt through you guys to accomodate your real-life obligations.  Their will not be any leagues in it to start.  With enough participation however as seasons progress there maybe consideration.  I just got back into town I had some real-life problems that had to be dealt with and I apologize for the hiatus.  I hope this will be more enticing to you guys and hope to receive some positive feedback.  Vague has a site already built, but it needs some tweaking done to it before I post the address.  Unfortunately he is out of town for a bit but will be back to help in the upcoming week.  Thanks again guys and happy hunting.

Other Stuff / Re: Pictures of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
« on: September 20, 2008, 08:48:47 PM »
they had a transformer fail and had to shut down the whole experiement last i heard but i don't think it was a big issue and it should be up and running again shortly something to deal with it overcooling or undercooling in kelvin

Well I apologize for my lude comment about those of you that took offense to it.  But frankly I have taken offense to the negative remarks I've received.  I also realize I won't get anywhere being a tool back to those just because of my bitterness so for that I apologize.  As far as hosting a tournament online, that sounds like a great idea and honestly one thought I never put into perspective.  I know a lot of the community is from overseas in Europe etc. and I like the idea of getting them involved.  The reason I chose to have the tournament so close to Christmas was actually supposed to be an idea to help towards the people that are still in school so they would be on their Christmas break and might have an opportunity to be there.  Granted most I understand will be doing family things so maybe that was a bad idea.  Nothing is set in stone that is why I've been asking about it all so soon.  If most of you would rather me try and setup an online tournament with prizes I'd be more than willing to talk to who I can about getting something setup i.e. sponsorships, and other things.  Vague has offered to help in setting up an official site for it all.  I also am interested in trying to setup a league for DP with different divisions and such.  That however I will need some support because I have a family and a full-time job.  I can do a lot of the support from work, but definitely not all.  If you are interested in helping please let me know about that.  So I can still do the LAN @ the Hyatt with prizes etc. & also I will be looking into some server hostings, and sponsorship for an online tourny if most of you would prefer that.  I appreciate all the feedback and will continue to work on my behavior because I know it has been far from courteous & respectful.  Thanks!

Okay just so everyone knows I havn't been on hiatus or ignoring this post.  I've been reading what everyone says and so now I guess I'll back track and do what I should have done in the first place.  The ball is already rolling but I will stop and ask.  Is anyone interested in even coming to this event?  So far all I've seen is a negative attitude towards a positive goal.....I realize most of you are underage, poverty strictened, or just bitter towards the world and seek refuge behind a 21" LCD screen.  For those of you though however that are interested, enjoy playing DP (not someone who pubs and the entire time while playing moans about how terrible the game is), and want to meet some of the community please send me a PM on here and let me know.  Also just because you guys think that most of this "community" won't be there; I'll have you know I have quite a few friends that I LAN with regularly that do play DP.  However you probably don't recognize any of them by name, just like you didn't recognize me and I have played since the games birth.  So my point of it is this tournament isn't just limited to people who post on this forum I already have financial support in the renting of the room @ the Hyatt, discounted rooms available to those that come to the tourny, and they also said they would cater for the day of the Championship.  As far as the computers, site, and other things they have been slow moving because of the discouraging remarks from the negative nancys'.  The site address is a address but I havn't done any arranging to it what so ever because I'm still waiting to hear from you and see who's interested in showing up besides me and my friends.

Clan -QWPB- will be hosting a 2v2 DigitalPaint LAN/Tourny Dec. 15-17th.  It will be held @ the Hyatt Regency in Dallas if anyone is familiar with the old CPL's that's the Hotel however it will not be in the large Presidential room that the CPL was held in.  Instead I have reserved just a modest room that will hold what we hope to be up to 50 computers/setups comfortably as well.  Matches will be played on my personal machines with just a core install of the game nothing extra.  I have been negotiating things with my affiliates from the Professional gaming community as well as their sponsors from Dell and Plantronics and I'm currently trying to have 4 new XPS machines donated as well as 4 pairs of DSP-500 to help us for the event.  Their will be cash prizes involved.  Prize money will come from the entry fees which @ this point are going to be $100 dollars per team/$50 per person.  Payouts will be a 60% for 1st, 30% for 2nd, and 10%  for 3rd.  All tournaments proceeding will be recycled back into the payouts.  However in order to LAN for the days of the event there will be a $25 space rental per computer.  Internet/Wi-Fi capabilities will be available with no extra charge.  No food will be supplied @ this point however, we are in communication with the makers of Bawls guarana and possibly looking into getting a supply of drinks in exchange for advertising.  If you are interest in competing please IM me on here for registration info.  A website is being made as we speak and should probably be done within the next few days as soon as it is I will post it.  Hope to see all there. HAPPY HUNTING!

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: What have you use to create Digital Paintball?
« on: September 10, 2008, 01:28:11 PM »
Does Quake have any things relative with Captain Quakers
As a matter of fact they are in partnership with Quaker Oats, and Cereals.  In conjunction with iD software.  They sell an all-in one package for $49.95usd online.  It's 2 boxes of instant oatmeal, some Quake rice cakes, Quake 1,2,3,4 and all mods to each game ever created which adds up to like 15million, and 3 condoms (in case you find a chick who really digs your style.)

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Any clans want to 2v2 -QWPB-
« on: September 08, 2008, 06:16:14 PM »
u have no worries from me yootz i agree except i have been around this game probably even longer than you :S ive done the irc ive done it all and that's why im set in my ways because i know what's efficient

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Any clans want to 2v2 -QWPB-
« on: September 07, 2008, 09:59:10 AM »
Just wondering if anyone wants a 2v2 match?

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: New Clan -QWPB-
« on: September 07, 2008, 06:51:54 AM »
P.S. - we are recruiting but very selective...for anyone who might be interested

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: New Clan -QWPB-
« on: September 07, 2008, 06:50:43 AM »
i started playing the day it was released uhh july 31st? maybe been so long doesn't really matter i actually played qwpb before dp....i love how all you kids come out of the woodwork to try and defend something that has absolutely nothin to do with u or about u all im saying it qwpb is here and we will match 2v2 anyone at anytime (when time is available) cuz contrary to some me and my friend have normal lives, jobs, and families so i really don't have alot of time to sit and duel u guys on forums about every small detail u take out of my posts...

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: New Clan -QWPB-
« on: September 07, 2008, 02:39:54 AM »
u sir are a moron and how do u expect respect with an attitude like u have in order to get respect u gotta give it so stop trying to break down everything im saying and just give me ur respect if u want mine if u dont then break this down and suck it 1v1 anytime also if u want to 1v1 qwpb i will too and as far as the community growing if u want the community to grow there needs to be some sense of order and control DP...has none, there are no leagues, nothing of the nature to entice anyone to want to excel in the game so unless u feel u can start a league and manage it...stop trying to put me out and make it look like im trying to destroy a game ive played since its release....

Other Stuff / QuakeWorld PaintBall RULES!!!!
« on: September 06, 2008, 02:57:51 PM »

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: New Clan -QWPB-
« on: September 06, 2008, 02:56:29 PM »
haha ill insult anyone at anytime if i feel the need too and as far as he goes he doesn't matter i just joined the forums to let the clan be known and well known already we are he kept hounding me to 5v5 his nobody clan and i dont even have 5 members i have one other besides me and its my best friend irl and hes played as long as i have like i said this clan isnt ab just recruiting 500000 ppl in fact im not recruiting anyone else we are ELITEand i dont have time to waste with goons and ppl who would rather have beef on forums then back up their justin when u wants 2s just let me know ill get my friend on and ill show ur .... clan how much fun losing can be

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: New Clan -QWPB-
« on: September 06, 2008, 03:05:27 AM »
OHHH I get it now! its 'the remedy' by jason mraz. lol havent heard that song in forever!
haha thats it :D good song also i was listening to it when i posted that

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: New Clan -QWPB-
« on: September 06, 2008, 03:04:42 AM »
So.. How long have you been playing?

i have played since qwpb but i went on hiatus from this game for quite a few years right around 2000 i never really did the clan thing in dp either i was in some old clans from qwpb. i just recently started playing again and i made this clan just so ppl would legitimately match me and i can show them that i am better than them...

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