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Messages - Donk

Pages: [1]
Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Oldschool Reunion 2013
« on: January 01, 2013, 10:03:34 PM »
Who's gonna help me bust MFornal out of jail?


Other Stuff / Re: Never ending story version 1
« on: May 31, 2007, 09:13:58 PM »
...and got this idea from some other forum and thought he'd be cool by starting it on this forum.

Hey DirtyTaco,

Why don't you just zip it!

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Bug - Primed Grenades
« on: May 09, 2006, 07:16:58 PM »
The fingers you have used to dial, are too fat. To obtain a special dialing wand, please mash the keypad with your palm now.

Donk would be proud.


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: eR33t on castle1
« on: August 17, 2005, 03:20:37 PM »
Please take note of me as the MVP, all matches, all time. I couldn't have done it w/o Blitz and Xbain... and a little DT something, something on the side.

Server Discussion / Re: CpAcid
« on: August 06, 2005, 08:44:13 AM »
Seriously loial, when did you become the babysitter for dp? Obviously, no one is listening to anything you're saying. You might as well stop being a crybaby. I doubt these people are cheating, but if they are.... too bad. You aren't going to stop anyone by crying in public and making yourself look like a little sissy girl. I'd think it's much more possible that you are just getting worse at dp, likely because you're spending all of your time trying to find hackers (read: people that are better than you). Listen to what Bob said. Your annoyingness levels are skyrocketing.

Server Discussion / Re: bob WAS WARNED THEN KICKED
« on: August 04, 2005, 06:07:16 PM »
Good lord...

Hush. Bob doesn't cheat. Own you?  Maybe... Cheat? No. Bob has been playing with a collection of the best players in dp for several years now, and has no doubt shared tactics with them. Is it impossible that he's just plain better than you? I imagine that the dp witch hunt will never end, but I assure you that Bob is not one of them.


Oh, and WarWulf = Pro-Tee.

    Your majesty,

DirtyTaco is like the most active NAMBLA member, ever. Even more than fornal.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Here's you a map browser
« on: August 28, 2004, 11:30:36 AM »
It's DP + Bomberman.

Borg hasnt lead a successful clan for more than 2 weeks <--- LOLOLOLOLOL

Anyways, i know most of my maps suck, but excrement, i've made over 25 of them with more too come. I'm pretty sure thats more than anyone thats ever mapped.

...?  Cyko used to pump out 25 maps per week.  I'm not saying they were good, but for some reason people believe that mapping is hit or miss. Just create and create until you get a winner.  No.
 And Borgus...
 Did you lead DsC? seems to me that Punisher did. Any following clans by the same name were little more than pathetic attempts to live in the shadow of a fallen great.  

 Oh, and I find it infinitely humorous that such a big deal is being made of organizing this league.  I don't know that the community at this point has an average maturity level high enough to maintain such a thing.  Due to the high interest levels created by the alphas there has been a massive influx of newbies to the game. That's great. In a matter of months perhaps there will be a stable community after some of these newbies get their footing.  I understand that the league is an attempt to try and bring back several older players and to maintain interest in the game of those who have been playing it, however the majority of players out there have not been around long enough to have seen the many, many leagues that have attempted to exist and failed miserably.
 And Team XP,
 Why are you so hard up to include them?  If they aren't stepping forward with a figurehead, perhaps they don't want to compete? Forcing their entry will do little more than screw up the brackets if and when the league does come around.  

 Another point, why should eR33t match without Blitz? It's fairly common knowledge that he is one of our stronger players, if not the strongest.  For you to ask us to match without him.... Isn't that kind of like asking us to tie one hand behind our back to fight you?  Come on now, have some balls.  

 And I'm spent...

I nominate Hades as the leader of being fat.

Also, I can host a good East Coast server should one be needed. Just keep me informed.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: wallhack caught on tape
« on: February 23, 2004, 05:10:13 PM »
Yeah Xile I've been doing that for years.. I do it ONLY because it annoys and pisses people like you off and sometimes to the point they start making mistakes in their game. Most have figured out that I'm bullexcrementting when I call people hacks.  Most of us say it just to be silly.  It's a shame you try so hard to read BAD into everything.

And don't put words in my mouth fool.

Calling somone a black person, which is not what I said that night anyway, is NOT racist.

If I would call a black person a member of a socially disadvantaged class that would be racist.  If I call someone I'm pissed off at a member of a socially disadvantaged class then I'm refering to them as a low class skum bucket regardless of their race.  If I say black person please I'm simply cutting up with a bud... again Not directing anything I say towards anyone of the black race or anyone specifically because of their race.  It would seem to me that because you are so set on associating the word member of a socially disadvantaged class to the Black Race that maybe your a tad bit racist.

And you do care what I have to say because your ass will be back just to see what my response was ya dirty hacker :P

All in good fun Xile :)

MuT - The Annoying One d:{Þ

 where to start..
  Alright Muti, in the first lines of this, you completely owned up to the fact that you use wreckless immaturity to try and bring other people down from their game.  I can understand that perhaps sometimes, it helps to lower an opponents' skill level to make them an easier target.  If that's the route you need to take, no one can change that. However, I think it shows colossal amounts of selfishness to take away from someone else's enjoyment of a game, just to further your own.  

 Before you accuse me of putting words in your mouth, allow me to direct you to the library. I have not misrepresented what you said, I have merely spelled it correctly or worded it more clearly.  

 Honestly, if this whole thing turns out to be wrong, good for you. If not, I can't say I didn't expect it a while back.  It was people with maturity levels such as your own which encouraged me to move on to other games.  I do still miss a lot of the good times had with paintball, and it's always nice to check in and see the progress made from the first release so many years ago.  I'm sure you're ecstatic that you may've played some part in my leaving dp, but I've now got a whole different set of crybabies to deal with in other mods.
 I think it would've behooved you to have just ignored this thread, not spoken up, and certainly not have addressed it in a childish manner.  You're only hurting yourself here.  
 Really, muti, you're what? 45 now? Family, kids, the whole deal.. Perhaps getting called out like this is a stepping stone for you to move on and spend more time with your family. If not, have fun aliasing for the rest of your playing time.


Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Clan Rust(TM) Press Release
« on: June 30, 2003, 06:07:46 PM »
So, what you're saying is, if I join Clan Rust, I too can play on the same battle field as the glorious and ever-vigilant Pro-Tee (makes the sign of the cross)?

 Oh and also, you son of a sexually promiscuous person, don't forget to mention the 14 times that "I" brought back Q2Kick.

And also Gibb, Ricki Lake proved it, DNA tests show that there is a 99.9% likelihood that you are the father of my baby.

P.S. Sorry Mfornal, we can keep trying until the paternity tests turns up showing you.. I know how much you love that baby.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: DP League
« on: February 06, 2003, 06:24:33 PM »
So it's you that does that?   Bain, you asshat.

Other Stuff / Re: Silly Drawings
« on: August 22, 2002, 09:09:08 AM »

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