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Messages - Booyah

Pages: [1]
Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: DPCon2 Signups
« on: August 12, 2004, 06:17:06 PM »
Count me in!

Name:  Steven Cress
Email1:  cresssATclemsonDOTedu
Phone2:  (864) 650-0961 - my cell which is rarely actually on
Screen name(s):  Steve29118 (AIM)
Weekend(s) that work(s) best for you: don't care
Bringing a computer: Yes
Need a hotel room3: Maybe
Your Location:  Clemson, SC
Willing to provide transportation:  I can give anyone a lift from the Clemson area and will go a little out of my way to get anyone else.
Need transportation4:  No.

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