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Messages - Arhius

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Help and Support / Re: Login Problems!
« on: December 30, 2008, 06:59:36 AM »
I can't make the game login...everytime i wirte down my password it says "Wrong password for username"

I dont understand why because:
        -I can login into DP login;
        -I can login into the forum;
        -I know that the password is correct (i have it written in a paper)
        -My name is in colors...but i never got kicked for it...this time i got kicked because my login was incorret!

I have similar problem.
I've been playing this game for a year and decided to register today.I had my own account when I started playing this game around a year ago, but I don't know why it was deleted (I think it was becuse I got a massage saying that my account does not exist). Anyway, I have been playing the game without using the account in global login for about 8 months.. Today I decided to register on and create a new account for me but with the same username as my first one has been..
Everything went OK. The account was created in dplogin ( see here)
But then a problem has shown in the game. Before I registered I was able to play in public servers. Now I can't play neither via the servers nor via the account. I will give some screens to prove on.

screen 1
screen 2
screen 3

Please help me with solving this problem.
My password is the same as the one I use while I log in on

Okay now it's everything correct. :)
I have just solved the problem myself. Anyway thanks to all that wanted to help. :)

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