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Messages - wolfshadow

Pages: [1]
Issues for Committee Review / Speedhacker: Spartan5002
« on: February 10, 2009, 02:47:45 PM »
Hi. He fastrun at 20:03 UTC on PodKarpacie server.

Issues for Committee Review / Re: Multi accounts?? Piter and hoffig
« on: January 28, 2009, 03:33:18 AM »
I remember 8-7 months ago Piter and Hoffig on Podkarpacie. They used different tactic. Piter played dynamically and reached enemy base fastly. Hoffig remained in defensive in base. Had different style of game completely. 

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Cheat Detected: NoName
« on: January 27, 2009, 02:25:06 AM »
Maybe i can talk more about TheSnake.
TheSnake = wezyk
Look on this:

Next on this google cache (source thread deleted):

TheSnake (7.11.2008)
Hello. I have the code of the game, Quake 2 - Digital Paintball 2 (C + +  ) And looking for someone who change it per x money and compile to have acted Wall-hack. Now I say that none ZGH HACK-old can not be because it is made on build 16, and servers can be connect from 20 +. I tried to change in the XVI32 this build in exe but not work. We ask you to help.

tinmar0 (9.11.2008)
Give me the code on PM i look on this
sorry for my poor english

Pages: [1]