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Messages - cannabiss

Pages: [1]
Issues for Committee Review / Re: ]MT[Impactz Has walls.
« on: January 31, 2009, 04:20:23 PM »
Whats funny is, is that you guys said he hacked on lockout also. He obviously doesn't because he gave you the demo for lockout. You have to put into consideration audio. People say i wall all the time because i use headphones. I can hear people running around at spawn from my spawn. Unless you had cases of hiding behind boxes and barrels without barely moving and he lining the box when he should be oblivious, then i could suspect something. And he can barely speak english. From what i read on the conversation it could go either way. But i hear him on vent and i type to him and he is not a good english speaker or writer. My point is you STRONGLY thought he hacked on lockout because you were trying to make him spec you. But he posted the demo and clearly he doesn't hack. I'm not picking sides on this so please don't rage me . Just from the evidence it seems to be on the side of not hacking. I hope you take my opinion into consideration.

I've heard most of them on vent. They aren't all summit. So i really really doubt he multi's. I would recheck this. Soon.

Help and Support / Re: Getting kicked for incorrect PW
« on: January 11, 2009, 01:12:39 PM »
I'm getting the same thing. Except sometimes it doesn't even log in. It just says, trying to connect to login server.... and stays there. I'm thinking its a server overload. Maybe bandwidth problems. I'm hoping it wont turn out to be a huge issue.

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