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Messages - stabbs

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Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Anonymous Cheating Statistics Poll
« on: March 05, 2009, 08:12:49 AM »
never hacked, never tried to hack, never will hack...dunno how and am too lazy to bother trying.  Plus I've never seen the point in letting a computer/program play a game for you.  Whats the point in playing if the only thing you do is move forward, might as well make a program to do everything for you.

Actually, the game already can do computer players.  In a sense, if you could tell your player to be a computer player, you would be having it do it all for you.  I actually did this with my brother once.  I started my own server, had a computer bot join in the game (add_bot,  you can only type this command if you are the server admin.  If you start your own server, then you are the admin.), which is way you can play by yourself with no lag to get practice, not that they are that hard to play against though,  Anyway, so I put in a bot and put myself as a spectator, I renamed the bot to have a similar nickname as mine, and I had my brother join and I watched him fight against a bot, thinking that it was me.  The bot did pretty good because the only gun available was a PBG.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Anonymous Cheating Statistics Poll
« on: March 04, 2009, 07:33:12 AM »
i checked both out speed and aim never ZHG i hated them all. its pointless to hack just for an advantage. people hack  because they want others to think that they are better and maybe they might think someone might respect them for it. i think its stupid and cheap. and stabbs ill agree with you your just a big time noob. most of us played for over 5 years and learned how to jump and move properly if you put in the time and effor you will get better faster.

I understand that I am probably somewhat of a noob, but I have come a long way already.  I do know a lot of the jumps and moves.  No, I don't know them all, but I watch what others do and I do most of it.  The thing that gets me is when every time I'm just moving into view of someone else, at full speed and everything, they shoot me with out even trying, so I'm like "what?  gotta be some cheating going on here."  Doesn't happen with all, but a lot of people it does.  Then other games I'll be playing and I'll be wasting everyone.  So that's why I'm checking to see what the percentage of players are that do cheat.  However, this poll is probably somewhat skewed because it is only the more devoted players, which are probably those less likely to cheat.  So if I were to consider, based off of this poll and the idea that most here wouldn't cheat, there's probably about 20 to 30 percent of the players that cheat, which means that in most games of more than 10 people, there are at least 2 or 3 cheaters in it.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Anonymous Cheating Statistics Poll
« on: March 03, 2009, 07:26:48 PM »
This is anonymous.  I just want to see what percentage of players really do cheat or if I really am just a big time newb!

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Need another OTB Speed Server
« on: February 18, 2009, 11:31:00 AM »
Ah ha,  Thanks.  I have been wondering about that for a long time.  Never noticed that.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Need another OTB Speed Server
« on: February 18, 2009, 10:14:27 AM »
Okay, enough discussion on lining and everything.  We already talked all about that.  The final note of this discussion is just to add some more maps or different ones to the speed server.

END OF DISCUSSION.  Admins, please close this thread so no one can post anything more.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Need another OTB Speed Server
« on: February 17, 2009, 05:51:30 PM »

How about starting a new topic ....

Well, it's more of just a quick side note.   Didn't really want to start a whole discussion about it.  Really I just want the owner of the OTB Speed server to see it.  Guess I could have just messaged him, but I was too lazy to look up who he was.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Need another OTB Speed Server
« on: February 17, 2009, 05:15:19 PM »
In the current OTB Speed server, we need more maps.  Getting bored of the same maps over and over.  I feel like I play the same thing all the time.  There are some great maps in some of the other pubs, but I'm still enjoying the speed server the most.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Build 24
« on: February 17, 2009, 05:11:26 PM »
Build 26?  Awesome.  Hope it has some good menu improvements.  One of the best improvements that the menu could have are buttons that look like buttons.  Like the "apply" buttons are so hard to find because they just look like regular text.  Great game, just needs some user interface fixes.  The password prompt in build 25 was awesome.  That was a great idea to finally implement.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Need another OTB Speed Server
« on: February 17, 2009, 05:08:46 PM »
If you want to be able to talk to people in the speed servers, make it so that the option to show "Chat Only" actually works.  I've set the chat to do people chat only like 5 times, but it still shows who killed who and all that.  In a speed server, sometimes I do want to talk to people, but I can't because the "Chat Only" feature never works.  Has anyone else experienced this?

Great idea.  Didn't think of that.

Well, thanks a lot for the update.  I'm loving build 25.  It is nice to ignore all of those people's cussing.  Thanks a lot for the build.   I like the new sounds too.  Great game!!

It doesn't have everything, because people find other ways to type the same words that don't get caught by the filter.

Wait, I didn't find the words in config.cfg.  I'm in the pball/configs/ folder, is that the correct place?  I type cl_blockedwords in the console and I see the words, but not in config.cfg

Thanks a bunch.  And I guess I still have two questions, but I promise this is the end. 

It appears that for the swearfilter to be on, it is set to "1".
I type cl_swearfilter in the console and it says "cl_swearfilter" is "1"   .   To turn it off, do I just type cl_swearfilter 0 ?  I'll assume that.  But, I haven't noticed that it filters the words, unless it just doesn't filter them if I type them.  Is this true?  Does it not filter your own for yourself if you have it turned on?

Is there a way to add to the words?  (I haven't tried anything on the game yet, so if some of these answers seem obvious, it is just that I haven't tried much yet because I can't get on at the moment, but I don't want to wait to try and lose all of your guys' help while I've got it.)

thanks.   Also, one last thing.  Where is the file that contains all the words that are filtered?

I can't find it.  I've been reading all the posts, but there are a lot.  I only see references to the fact that it exists, but not how to turn it on. 

If it does exist on that post, can you tell me at least what page it is on?

k, now that I have Build 25,  how do I turn on the word filter to block the swear words? 

Thanks for the info btw.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Need another OTB Speed Server
« on: February 04, 2009, 10:28:21 AM »
Yeah.  That's where I saw it.  You can see that I already voted for a it a while ago.  Anyway, I'm just adding to it that only certain servers give ranking points.

Also, where do you get build 25?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Need another OTB Speed Server
« on: February 04, 2009, 09:56:06 AM »
What you need is a system to entice people to go to the other servers.  Perhaps a rating system.  What if you could move up rankings by making a certain amount of kills, but the only kills that counted were those on servers that have a 30+ second respawn.  Any server with a respawn less than that gives you no ranking.  So those wanting to get a higher ranking for their account would only play on the Pub servers.  Also, this would entice people to stick to one account and stop creating multiple, since their ranking goes with only one account.  You could give the ranks names, like Soldier, Colonel, Captian, General, Demigod (these were actually the ranking names used in Descent II, so you could come up with your own), and whatever else could be in between those.   I think the idea of ranking has already come up, but the idea of having ranking count for specific servers hasn't.

In fact, you could just nominate specific servers as "ranking" servers.  And the rest would just be speed, or personal servers that someone has started.  Maybe servers have to be approved to be marked by the administrators as "ranking".

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