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Messages - boricua90

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Hi I'm recruiting Dp Players that are fairly decent, and are willing to learn how to play, and get better. I'm wanting to make this clan the best in the DP game. I'm looking for players who can strafe jump, shoot accurate, and are team players. If you are interested in Team rusH please leave some feedback thanks!

mIRC: #TeamrusH

Sounds good, I am also talking to RiCoChET about joining his training clan, are you experienced and would you be willing to teach me some things?

yea i been playing for about a year. I can straff jump well, and average about 17 kills a game,

I am a newbie and would like to join a clan. I have been playing only four days but am alreadying improving upon my strafe jumpin. My biggest accomplishment was one game where I went 32/18 and had an 11 kill streak.

Well im intrested in making another clan, and would like you to be a part of it, just let me know, and we can make one

Im the leader Of [MUP] aka MasTers uv PupPetS. Im curnently recruiting members that have been playing for about 2 weeks, and have the basic concepts down on this game. I can Straff hop, shoot well, and can basically win games. So please feel free to contact me. ;) Ps. Im only accepting players that are active!

Hey whats up, Im Boricua90. I have a clan, but no members. Im looking forward to joining a good clan, im getting pretty good for being a " noob" Lol..Bt i hope you will think about it, and thanks!

I need more People to join my clan. Im making the clan for tournaments, and to make a room to just for this clan so we can go agianst other clans, i will help other people out who r just starting out. Thanks

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