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Messages - killabee

Pages: [1]
Server Discussion / Re: [OTB] Speed - Maprotation #4
« on: January 30, 2009, 07:09:21 AM »

If it's possible, can you PLEASE install some sort of auto-team-balancing??  I play on OTB Speed almost every day and CONSTANTLY you have these meddling packs of morons who switch to whatever team has the best and/or most players on it. 

With 32 maximum players - sure - you can expect a little unbalanced action here and there.  But most players with any bit of class with #1 notice nearly instantly and #2 switch teams upon noticing.  NEITHER happens on OTB. 

I get banned all the time for spamming too much "teams" - and even when the 25 vs 7 action comes to a halt because the fukktards finally spawn camped everyone on the short team - then I spam "teams" - and still, in many cases NOT ONE of them switches!!!!  It is beyond ridiculous - it ruins the game and obviously the server.

Orrr, you could seriously just give me admin rights enough to boot people and start curbing this trend.  :P Rarely are there any OTB members around to enforce stupid stuff like this.   :-\

I love the server obviously, or I wouldn't take the time to post.  After playing speed dp, waiting 60 seconds seems ridiculous.  I like it so much its the only server I play though it's a euro server and I'm in America. lol

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