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Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: New Map : 1abriko (Beta7)
« on: August 09, 2022, 12:47:16 AM »
I was not aware that this map has been updated. Completely missed betas 2-6. Map looks great and performance is really nice for a map this size and this detailed. Nice of you to include the source map in the .rar-file.

The map is pretty much finished, I don't know what else you could add. Phong shading could be added to some of the cliffs, but that's a minor thing. The base is a bit awkward to navigate in if you want to grab both flags, but if you only play for 1st flag, then it's great.

Amazing job overall!

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: New Map : 1abriko
« on: March 05, 2022, 05:26:45 AM »
Amazing looking map!

I was going to point out all the things jitspoe said but I see he beat me to it...

I really like how the map looks and the geometry in it. The tunnels look natural and have a nice smooth surface. The map is coherent other than the base. The base has a lot going on and it is a bit hard to navigate in, in my opinion at least.

I don't know what to think of the 2nd flag... The path to it is really narrow and/or requires a trick jump BUT you can also grab it from the lower level if you just jump against the wall. I think 2nd flag's purpose here is to make the offense spend more time at the base like in wobluda and so many other 2 flag bases, so I don't completely agree on that with jitspoe. The flag serves a purpose.

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: Newmap: Endless Cave with Two Ends
« on: August 10, 2021, 04:28:58 AM »
I've lost the .map file for this. Will have to see if it is worth it to decompile... might be faster just to start from scratch

Edit: Wow! 2012? thanks for reviving an old topic @Jitspoe!

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: New map: Backalley
« on: July 31, 2021, 02:31:51 AM »
1) I kinda agree with this... Need to figure out something for it
2) I added a clip brush on top of the pile cause you would just get stuck on the top log and now it slides you... Yeah I wasn't happy with that either but forgot to tweak it further

The jail area is for siege

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: New map: Backalley
« on: July 29, 2021, 04:42:17 PM »
Beta 5

- Added support for Siege and KOTH
- visual upgrades
- hints to make performance better, still needs a bit of tweaking
- mapinfo file
- mapshot file
- slight changes to entities

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: New map: Prison brawl
« on: July 24, 2021, 12:52:06 AM »
Thanks for pointing that out Jitspoe! Reuploaded and should be fixed now...

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: New map: Backalley
« on: July 19, 2021, 01:44:30 PM »
- Adjust jump paths so that they feel natural and are pretty easy to do
- Optimize performance in some areas. Wpoly count goes above 3600 in some areas
- Add more visual flair
- Add extra game modes like King of the Hill and possibly siege, dm could be possible too
- Add info_player_intermission
- Create mapinfo file, mapshot file and a loc file
- Add a date when the map was built
- Release as final

Beta / In-Progress Maps / New map: Backalley
« on: July 18, 2021, 02:53:57 AM »
This map was made in a rush right before Social Saturday!
Fight in whoa's backalley through the snow! Try to ambush your enemy from above or rush past them through the low path, the map suits all playstyles because it is baked like a delish double-layered cake!

Spoiler (hover to show)


beta 5: Download -
beta 4: Download -


Gamemode: CTF, Siege, KOTH
Flag count: 1 each side, each flag is 5 points
Spawn count: 5 each side, 2 spawns near the mid spawn without equipment
Spawn with equipement: yes, but low tier
Ground loot: 1 Autococker, 4 carbines, ammo and co2, steel barrels

Best suited for 6+ players but fewer than 16

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: New map: Octarena
« on: June 21, 2021, 03:40:48 AM »
Where is the download button?
*angry boomer noises *

Beta / In-Progress Maps / New map: Prison brawl
« on: May 24, 2021, 11:17:16 AM »
A new prison inspired siege map.

Guards! Stop the prisoners from breaking out and taking the flag back to the prison area!

Map is still in very early development and has pretty high r_speeds in some areas but hey IT LOOKS COOL r-right?

thanks to @ViciouZ for letting me use his rain texture =)

Download here

- initial release
- forced the rain to use cwc.txt script so that the raindrops travel in correct direction
- added some hint brushes to reduce high wpoly

Beta / In-Progress Maps / new map: Facemask
« on: May 24, 2021, 11:00:03 AM »
A funny little map inspired by covid-19.

You spawn on a facemask and your objective is to be the last man standing on it! Make sure you keep safe distance (2m/6ft) to others and knock back anyone who comes too close with your bouncing paintballs!

Supported game modes: King of the Hill (koth) and 1-flag CTF (team elimination)

map and bsp included

- first release
- made the skybox larger
- extended trigger_hurt all the way to the bottom of the map
- made the ear straps mist
- fixed koth game mode

Mapping / Re: Prefabs for mappers
« on: May 08, 2021, 12:59:36 AM »
Nice.  Shame BSP doesn't let you paste from the clipboard like this.  Might have to get sort on that.  Would be cool to copy/paste between editors since they both have their strengths and weaknesses.

Oh I thought it could. Guess I have to release that '.map' file for all the BSP users till @sort implements this

Mapping / Re: Prefabs for mappers
« on: May 07, 2021, 05:13:56 AM »
Utility pole:

Spoiler (hover to show)

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: New map: VMOP (Idea: Jitspoe)
« on: May 05, 2021, 07:16:26 AM »
Sick map!

Too bad I missed it on Social Saturday, but I'll make sure to load it on my own.
I see you have found the forums and are already doing better job at posting new maps here than I am.

GJ! Keep it up.

About the map:
What an absolutely horrible map.. I love it!
Your simplistic details are great and the map doesn't lack depth. You even added a jail, good choice. A great addition to the Social Saturday maplist.

Does the map have a fast gameplay and sick speedjumps? Absolutely not
Is it fun? Absolutely

Only things I truly hate about the map are the lights above the doors... they are so aggressive and red and BLUE!
They make me want to punch a hole in my concrete wall...with my fist...through your paintball.
Yikes! Maybe making them transparent could soften them a bit, or reducing the light value on them.

Oh and the back wall could use a graffiti or something... that brick wall looks empty and big

Mapping / Re: Assets for mappers
« on: May 05, 2021, 04:47:05 AM »
Crate jump 2:

Spoiler (hover to show)
Crate jump 3:

Spoiler (hover to show)

Mapping / Re: Assets for mappers
« on: May 05, 2021, 02:37:59 AM »
Hay bale:

Spoiler (hover to show)

Mapping / Re: Assets for mappers
« on: May 05, 2021, 02:37:06 AM »

Spoiler (hover to show)

Mapping / Re: Assets for mappers
« on: May 04, 2021, 02:33:37 PM »
Bunker from Battle2:

Spoiler (hover to show)

Mapping / Re: Assets for mappers
« on: May 04, 2021, 02:32:27 PM »
Barrel bridge from Carpathian:

Spoiler (hover to show)

Mapping / Re: Assets for mappers
« on: May 04, 2021, 02:25:18 PM »
Crate jump:

Spoiler (hover to show)

Spoiler (hover to show)

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