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Messages - ghostlol

Pages: [1]
Issues for Committee Review / Re: Aimbot: Redneck
« on: April 06, 2009, 07:53:25 AM »
k serman if u guys new who i was u would feel stupid calling me a hacker, like its like u lil intercoursers have no life and u obvisly suck at the game so u take the good people out by saying they hack. and shooting at my teammates ask anyone or come watch me paly i shoot at my teammates all the tim for fun and when a teammate comes flying i cant see the color right away cause  im a lil color blind so thats it .

Issues for Committee Review / Re: Aimbot: Redneck
« on: April 05, 2009, 08:42:09 PM »
speed ask anyone i can strafe at all im slow and well im not posting anymore until jits and commettee says somthing

Issues for Committee Review / Re: Aimbot: Redneck
« on: April 05, 2009, 08:02:14 PM »
k well i have had 4 people check my pc right after game never closed game alt tab out and started teamviewer they didnt find anything looked everywhere. and in that demo when i like twitched there my senitivity is at 17 so my guy turns quick and i dont no what else to say jits but if u could deal with as quick as possible i would appricitate it. well see u in game and thanks for the people sticking up for me when they paly with me talk on vent and no i dont hack .BECAUSE HACKER ARE meddling kittyS AND THEY NEED TO GET A LIFE.well thanks to those peps that put that im and aimbotter ur my intercoursein hero get a life as u can see im not a hacker in any of the games i play

Issues for Committee Review / Re: Aimbot: Redneck
« on: April 05, 2009, 12:59:10 AM »
i dont intercoursein hack and i wish people would go find somthign better to do then pick on somone ive paly this game just 3 weeks think is awsome game and jitsbo contact me on msn please

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: 2009 PB CUP
« on: March 19, 2009, 07:16:27 PM »
yes i have right now in bf 1942 mp demo we have a cup starting on april 1st so if u want a cup or a fun tourny then let me no. as well if u wanna check out so  far what our cup looks like pelase go to this website if u paly bf1942 mp demo and see what taht cup looks like

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / 2009 PB CUP
« on: March 19, 2009, 09:35:36 AM »
hey guys please let me no how many clans and paintball players are up for this. it will be strickly for braging right.
it wont be clan vs clan there will be a max. of 12 teams.
the teams will consit of other clan members and the leader of the team pics the member they want so please let me no as soon as possible so i can start on the website

add me


or xfire at smithpepper

or come to my ventrilo to talk
port 11264
well thanks and lets start this up let me no

Pages: [1]