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Messages - Nate-n-Nator

Pages: [1]
Yup. I'm using ubuntu 7.04. I'll try that patch and see what happens.

Edit: Well, not install the patch. I check the repos. for gcrypt and it looks like it's already installed.

So, I just came back to paintball after a while and saw a map I had never tried before. HCA Fortress. I get started and add a few bots and after a few minutes of gameplay, it kicks me off the server because "Player newbie did not pass hardware checks" and I'm left with nothing but a console trying to reconnect. Retried and still got the same thing.

I tested other maps and this seems to be the only one that does this.

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Sound problems in Linux
« on: August 21, 2006, 10:05:38 AM »
Sorry for the late reply.

I'm running Ubuntu 6.06 with Gnome.

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Sound problems in Linux
« on: August 02, 2006, 11:05:27 AM »
killall now. Don't know why it was weird before but it is fine. I have sound now. No freezing of the game either.

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Sound problems in Linux
« on: August 01, 2006, 07:37:36 AM »
So it's either no sound or sound with locking up? I uninstalled and tried the install script again and just let it install where it wanted to. I'm getting no sound when I start it. However, when I kill esd, I get sound in the menu. It's all normal sound and not choppy or anything. However, I start a game and add bots so that the round will actually start. When the round actually starts it's freezing right away. And all I wanted to do was play a little paintball.

Edit: Is there any way that I can switch it to use alsa instead of oss? (I'm gonna try aoss real quick and see what happens.)
Edit again: Well, I tried aoss and saw that the sound server actually was able to start (before, it just said that /dev/dsp was busy) but then when the round starts, I get all this buzzing sound.

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Sound problems in Linux
« on: July 31, 2006, 09:59:48 AM »
It's locking the whole system because I tried to bring up a console to kill pb2. I'm using the regular binaries. Should I try the SSE binaries instead?

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Sound problems in Linux
« on: July 28, 2006, 04:36:46 PM »
/usr/share/games/paintball2 That's where all the games installed from the repositories on Ubuntu are installed. I'm just anal about things like that.

I think I spoke too soon. I get the game running but after I get a game started, it goes for about 10-20 seconds and then freezes. I have to do a hard reset of my computer. I think it's my computer though because I had that problem with the extracted binary on the web site.

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Sound problems in Linux
« on: July 28, 2006, 03:19:24 PM »
Works beautifully. Fixed sound problems and all. Had to make a sym link though because I wanted it installed elsewhere.

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Sound problems in Linux
« on: July 28, 2006, 10:39:21 AM »
Yeah. It's just a bunch of static noise. I thought just to see what would happen, I would start a game with that setting. just get the same beepy static. Now, I got quake2 installed today and got it running. Had the choppy sound issue. I ran quake2 with the option +set snddriver ao and it worked fine.  Guessing we don't have that option with paintball.

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Sound problems in Linux
« on: July 26, 2006, 10:36:49 AM »
Ok. I installed alsa-oss and wrapped paintball2 with aoss and I at least get something different. It's just lots of noise...Kinda weird.

Resolved Help & Support / Sound problems in Linux
« on: July 25, 2006, 10:55:23 AM »
Hello. I have a bit of a problem with the sound. When I first extracted paintball, I didn't get any sound. I looked at the terminal and saw this:
Code: [Select]
bassmannate@bassmannate-laptop:~/paintball2$ ./paintball2
Paintball 2 -- Version 3.21+r0.16
execing configs/config.cfg
Console initialized.

------- sound initialization -------
Initializing Linux sound.
/dev/dsp: Device or resource busy
SNDDMA_Init: Could not open /dev/dsp.

Obviously /dev/dsp is being used by something else, right? I read somewhere to kill esd so I did. When I run it, I get this:
Code: [Select]
Console initialized.

------- sound initialization -------
Initializing Linux sound.
sound sampling rate: 11025
And I get sound but it's EXREMELY choppy. I get about 1/3 sec. every second. If I try to restart the sound when esd isn't running, then it just crashes paintball.

Edit: I should also say that when paintball crashes, it crashes with a seg. fault.

Your problem is that you don't have the proprietary drivers installed for ATI (ATI is perhaps the biggest pain in the butt as far as graphics drivers are concerned for Linux) I'm also running Ubuntu 6.06 and I had to find the right way to do this because the current fglrx drivers are broken. SO...We have to go with an older driver.

I stumbled upon this in the Ubuntu forums:

This should help you.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Linux API error
« on: June 09, 2006, 03:40:21 PM »
Well, I think I figured out why I broke X earlier. For some reason when I change the driver in xorg.conf from "ati" to "fglrx" it doesn't like it when I reboot. I end up having to change it back before it will let me into X. I have the fglrx drivers installed and everything but it just doesn't seem to like it :P

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Linux API error
« on: June 09, 2006, 02:44:22 PM »
Really? I had it working fine before and the ATI card on my laptop wasn't hard to install. The nVidia on my desktop was a real pain though. Well, I don't know if OpenGL is even working judging by how slow my screensaver runs.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Linux API error
« on: June 09, 2006, 08:28:05 AM »
Ok, I did that and even broke X for a day. Got it working again. I can at least start the program now but it's REALLY slow. I don't know why when all my other OpenGL programs are running fine.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: This is an open-source game right?
« on: June 03, 2006, 03:19:02 PM »
Couldn't it go up on an unofficial repository like some of the repositories I added to Ubuntu?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Linux API error
« on: June 03, 2006, 01:56:54 PM »
Lately, Paintball has stopped working for me under Linux. When I go to run it I get this error:

bassmannate@reyn-ubuntu:~/paintball2$ ./paintball2
Paintball 2 -- Version 3.21+r0.16
execing configs/default.cfg
Console initialized.

------- sound initialization -------
Initializing Linux sound.
sound sampling rate: 11025
------- Loading -------
ref_gl version: PB2GL 0.16
Using for OpenGL...Initializing OpenGL display
...setting mode 3: 640 480
Using XFree86-VidModeExtension Version 2.2
[fglrx] API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for SelectTextureSGIS
[fglrx] API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for SelectTextureTransformSGIS
[fglrx] API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for ClientActiveVertexStreamATI[fglrx] API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for VertexBlendEnviATI
[fglrx] API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for VertexBlendEnvfATI
[fglrx] API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for VertexStream2sATI

There are many more of these API errors.

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