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Messages - idee

Pages: [1]
Help and Support / Re: Paintball2 - failed to load game dll
« on: April 20, 2009, 08:11:49 AM »
Thanks again.  I just need to get my network up and running.  Then my boy can have fun trying to take out dad with some paint balls.  Looking forward to it.

Help and Support / Re: Paintball2 - failed to load game dll
« on: April 18, 2009, 11:30:33 PM »
  We got it up and running.  Are there any maps with bots for single player, or multi-player mode, or is it strictly multi-player networked or internet?

  Thanks again for the help.

Help and Support / Re: Paintball2 - failed to load game dll
« on: April 18, 2009, 01:10:19 PM »
  Thanks, sorry to be a noob, but . . .  I downloaded that file, extracted it, but it will not configure, so where do I put it and how do I use it?  Is it a 64bit app?

Help and Support / Re: Paintball2 - failed to load game dll
« on: April 17, 2009, 08:13:28 PM »
I downloaded from what is available at Packman (  It is a repository of thousands of apps for Linux.    Is there a file I could modify, or is this something that will require a new download and compile?

Help and Support / Paintball2 - failed to load game dll
« on: April 16, 2009, 08:47:38 AM »
  I am running SuSE linux 11.1.  I was able to load and run Paintball2 on my son's 586 machine, but on my 64 machine it will not load or find the game dll.  The source for the packages was Packman.  The final error is:
 failed to load game dll.

   I noticed that the ogg vorbis was also errored.  I have alsa sound, and when it opens there is sound, so I wouldn't think that should make any difference.  Is there any way to get this working?

Code: [Select]
linux:~> paintball2
 bash: paintball2: command not found
 Paintball 2 -- Version 2.0
 execing configs/config.cfg
 basedir is write protected.
 Console initialized.
 ------- sound initialization -------
 Initializing ALSA Sound System
 Period size: 2048
 Buffer size: 8192
 Stereo: 1
 Samples: 16384
 Samplepos: 0
 Samplebits: 16
 Submission_chunk: 4096
 Speed: 48000
 Sound sampling rate: 48000
 Starting Ogg Vorbis.
 OGG_LoadPlaylist: could not open playlist: No such file or directory.
 No Ogg Vorbis files found.
 Shutting down Ogg Vorbis.
 ------- Loading -------
 testlib not loaded.
 ref_gl version: PB2GL 0.24
 Using for OpenGL...
 Initializing OpenGL display
 ...setting mode 6: 1024 768
 Using XFree86-VidModeExtension Version 2.2
 I got 8 bits of red
 I got 8 bits of blue
 I got 8 bits of green
 I got 24 bits of depth
 I got 8 bits of alpha
 I got 8 bits of stencil
 Using hardware gamma
 ====== Paintball II Initialized ======
 ------- Loading -------
 ERROR: failed to load game DLL
 execing configs/config.cfg

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