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Messages - christik

Pages: [1]
omg the real cheaters like some guys from sTn have  got no bans and they are playing and  they think: it is funny when they kill by help of wallhack . I played with sibi 10 match and i can say you i have never seen him with cheats. i think it must be horrible joke?

Server Discussion / Re: [OTB] Speed - Mapvoting #6
« on: March 19, 2010, 07:51:18 AM »
I don't know ur ip and the reason why u are banned on cso speed. MrLemon is the admin, ask him :)
my IP is  and we dont know the reason too . Do u have some contact on MrLemon?

Server Discussion / Re: [OTB] Speed - Mapvoting #6
« on: March 17, 2010, 09:43:09 AM »
And we have problem with CSO speed we are there banned and idk why( for a year we cant play there and now when only 22 players can play on otb speed we want play on CSO too)
Do you guys have Icq contact on some admin of CSO speed?

Server Discussion / Re: [OTB] Speed - Mapvoting #6
« on: March 17, 2010, 09:39:26 AM »
I (Antichrist Junior) think: remove -  ub_cliff, dome koth, encounter, ruggedcountry, anubis and add - Pbcup pforest, freedom, pp3, wipa and wobluda
my father (Antichrist) : think remove dome, prolandr, ubcliff!, encounter, carpathian and add - he knows only maps which were on OTB speed long time ago so he wants razzle.
And please change 15 sec revive to 10 sec because 15 is too much and it makes me bored ( Father:" I agree")

Other Stuff / Re: ŠK Slovan Bratislava 4:0 Zrinjski Mostar
« on: September 16, 2009, 09:00:25 AM »
liverpool forever.

No guntemp or very small guntemp(30 balls)

no guntemp.i love liners!

Everybody can have good aim,jump skills but only good clans(with nice recon) have tactic.Matches are better then pub, because u have recon and u must think.i think if u realize this thing everybody(who is alone vs for examle 3 opponents) will sit on flag because he hasnt got recon and he is scary to get them.recon makes this game interesting.
btw: on 4 flag maps(prolandr for example) if u have good and a bit clever opponent and no recon, they cap on you

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Modified content?
« on: August 29, 2009, 11:04:42 AM »
why you must ban guy for a textures?.It is only his ban for hackers(it is bad for opponent), but textures?it is good for guy who using some other textures then most,but it doesnt matter his opponent

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