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Messages - Raven

Pages: [1]
Help and Support / Re: Common Global Login Problems (Read first)
« on: June 10, 2009, 08:14:23 AM »
Hey, I have a question related to this:

How can I ensure, that my brother and I aren't banned for Multiaccounting? We are using the same PC as you may have figured out already and I am just too dumb to use the search bar wisely.

So thanks in advance

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Sonny crashing servers
« on: December 29, 2007, 08:28:26 AM »
Ur just pissed memi is dieing raven...

And maybe we should all hack instead of crashing 2or4 servers.
Would be more fun with the same pinishment so gogog dpb-community HACK THE PLANET.

Idiots >.< pls ban t3h hole dpb world.

Nice try to distract from the problems caused by idiotic behaviour. Exploiting, and in that case it was clearly exploiting, is causing a ban. And I still don't see the sense in crashing "2or4" servers. It seems even more stupid than using hacks to me, because it doesn't even bring you advantages. It's only destructive and useless.
btw: your comment shows me that you are either one of those crashing servers or a member of cD(found out you are Snipaaaah, so I maybe landed a double hit? :P) trying to tell me, everything I say is just because MeMi dies, which by the way is not a fact, but a possibility.

EDIT: Banning should of course be kept for those who used the bug several times, knowing what it causes. And of course ppl who just "tried it once" should NOT be banned, but being given a warning or whatever. Some of them already apologized, so it's ok.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Sonny crashing servers
« on: December 29, 2007, 08:08:09 AM »
Haven't seen such a bullexcrement for a very long time. Where was the fing sense in testing the bug AFTER this topic was opened? ... I was not surprised seeing the names of some old friends from cD.

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