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Messages - Neppe

Pages: [1]
Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: A helpful thread(for those new to game)
« on: February 22, 2006, 01:51:00 AM »
And if you are getting "owned" don't call hacker. It could be either or all of thses things.

1. A camper.

2. A sprayer (Non-stop line of paintballs)

2. Or a person who is just very skilled at this game.

Im laughing at you, even tho im new.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Redfox = Hacker
« on: February 22, 2006, 01:43:48 AM »
I were in team with this guy, just last night.

Im totaly new today and started just last night to. I used to play Quake 3 Rocket Arena, for like 4 years. Incase you think "You don't know what your talking about"

I had more kills, and less deaths that this RedFox, and he was nice and mature. I can't see anyreason of him cheating.

My first night playing this game, I were accused twice for hacking. First is that this guy said I killed him from the side (Now what kinda hack is that ?) Second is wallhack, since I killed him alot.

Now that sounds to me somone beeing a meddling bad looser, sorry for the language. If you due, your enemy is not hacking. Stop act so god darn childish, grow up and have fun.

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