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Messages - Varience

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Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / ~KoRT~ Killed over Rotten Tomatoes
« on: April 22, 2011, 03:11:37 AM »
Looking to be a part of a clan?
Looking to be a top marksmen in the world of Digital Paintball?
Look no further, we offer Daily Exercises(At your disposal.)

I am a long term player, have been around for quite a while.
If you were around about a year ago, I lived in Supermans PGP pub. Best place to be!

 This is a new clan, but my previously ran clans are; ~PoG~ Pog mo Toin, which housed many of the top Players of the day.
Due to unfortunate events, I handed over the leadership to my co-leader until I got my net back up...however, he decided to keep it for himself. Needless to say, the clannies left and he is the only to remain. =-( Sad, eh.

But yes, anyone is welcome as long as you are on weekly.
Daily players are a plus, but we will host Saturday Night/Day Practices which will be mandatory once we get our own server back up and running!

Any of you who wish to join, please message me with your:

Joining Date.
Average Weekly Login Hours.
Your Game Time Zone.
Your Country.
Your Screen name(duh!)

Country; That way we can Properly arrange Times in which Get Togethers/Practices/Goofing Off can take place.

We allow hostiles, friendlies, goofs, goobs, dweebs, dorks, but Not Hackers!
Thanks. (-=


Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Clan Pog Mo Toin is Recruiting
« on: January 24, 2010, 12:06:44 PM »
Again, if anyone that was or wasn't in clan Pog, wishes to join. There currently is no trial. But there will be for each member that joins, after I get a newer model in a few weeks. :-)

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Clan Pog Mo Toin is Recruiting
« on: January 24, 2010, 12:02:55 PM »
Surprisingly, yes. It runs at a good speed.

Although I can't play DP on this, i can still update clan news, website, etc. So it's convenient until I get my paycheck, then I will be getting a newer model :-)

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Clan Pog Mo Toin is Recruiting
« on: January 23, 2010, 08:23:53 PM »
I would like to appologize for my absent leave. My internet got disconnected, quite randomely. I now have my internet up and running, and have returned to Pog. Updating of website will be haulted for the time being, but we are actively recruiting members.

Any members that were previously in the clan, and want to re-join, please contact me, as soon as I get leadership, If I get leadership back, I will invite you A.S.A.P.

I am truelly sorry for the inconvenience.

(Btw, reason I had left, was due to my cousin messing around on the computer one day, while I was at the store. I appologize, considerably. Please allow me another chance to prove myself. As soon as I can get my computer running at a high consistancy, I will start Clan Wars.

After I update my computer(1998 needs updated:-) )I will be updating the website, frequently.

The website is under construction, and will most likely change websites all together. It will have just a different URL, as webs doesn't offer what I want.
If anyone knows a website for hosting a Free Website, please let me know.I just want to find one that is to my liking.  I have not quite found that yet.

Again, sorry, from my deepest appologise.


Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Clan Pog Mo Toin is Recruiting
« on: November 22, 2009, 03:53:37 PM »
It isn't a Year old here, it is a Year old on another game. Pog Mo Toin has expanded from a game called Syrnia, started by my leader their, named Ladytabitha, and has expanded here and a few other games. This game being the newest addition to the list of games Pog is in. :-)

It's grown nicely. We have a very nice family, where everyone gets along. :D

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Clan Pog Mo Toin is Recruiting
« on: November 21, 2009, 04:40:53 PM »
We now have a website! (still in progress, but coming along!)

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Clan Pog Mo Toin is Recruiting
« on: November 12, 2009, 09:08:16 AM »
Their :P

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Clan Pog Mo Toin is Recruiting
« on: November 12, 2009, 08:44:12 AM »
Thank you Joox. Was going to set that up in a day or so. Thanks for helping me.

Thanks everyone for your time, replies, and thoughts. I appreciate it all. :-)

Yes, you may very well be correct. :-)
I will take that into consideration.
First I need to find out the time zones of ~Pogs~ Members, that way I know when would be the best time to set up a competition with another clan. And hopefully get that clans members Time Zones, so we can manage the time correctly. Don't need it hasty and crazy. Want it to go as smooth as possible. Until I, and the clan, gets use to it. :-)

Please keep all thoughts, replies, concerns, and warm replies coming ! :-)

Glad to see a game where Threads don't get bombarded by uselessness. :D

I hope to get to know everyone better, that is willing to make a new friend, of course. :-)

Thanks, Varience.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Clan Pog Mo Toin is Recruiting
« on: November 11, 2009, 04:13:16 PM »
Nice Taco.

Lmao Joox.

It's English, I believe, but I am Irish. :P

Ty Edge for the help and concern, :-) I understand that fully. I will be setting that up with other fellow Clan leaders once I get Pogs Website finished. I am trying an approach that I hope will be new.  When my website it up, I will be posting it in this thread. That way people can learn what Pog is all about.

I have quite a few Idea's for the clan, and how to make DP funner for my fellow Clanmembers. :-)

I hope everyone will give me a chance, :-)


Clan will start clan wars once we reach 15 members(Not counting myself.)

We currently have 10(Not counting myself.)

If I can find just five more members, then the Clan Pub wars shall commence. :-)

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Hit Indicator
« on: November 11, 2009, 04:06:14 PM »
Okay, now re-reading it I understand what you mean. Pardon me. :-)

What I was thinking was quite different. Sorry about that Cartoon. :-)

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Hit Indicator
« on: November 10, 2009, 10:20:53 PM »
I think he means: Such as when you are in a war game, it registers red on the screen where you got hit from. Left screen red if shot from left, infront of you would make the middle go red, hard to see strait, back is reddened at the bottom,  and to get shot from the right would make the right side of screen red.

If I am not mistaken? :-)

This would be a cool setup. but perhaps it could be of  the color that hit you, is the color you see as you die? Just turning everything that shade, still see game layout, just not the colors you would normally see.

perhaps make an arrow marker or something, that points to the spot you got shot from? simple rotation shouldn't be to hard. Bind it to the direction inwhich the paintball is being shot From, or bind it with the side of the body that got hit.

I like the idea, but not so sure it would work. It's possible, but not sure if plausible.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Clan Pog Mo Toin is Recruiting
« on: November 10, 2009, 08:59:25 PM »
Well, first off, Why would you want to join Pog? I need a reason. Second of all, I have not seen you play.I do know who you are, however. I have seen some of your boards(?), or was in one of your pubs. And have seen many people talk very highly of you. 

But, I would need to see your average K:D ratio during 3-5 20minute/50point rounds.
Would like to see how you treat others, and your aspects on playing. Whether you are on the Stacked team, or the suffering team.

Me personally, I go for the suffering, to help them win, instead of letting the best win. It's all about having fun. Gotta keep the playing field clean, you know? :-)

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Clan Pog Mo Toin is Recruiting
« on: November 10, 2009, 12:54:31 PM »
Thank you for your reply.

For my reply to yours:

I am quite familiar with IRC chat. :-)

I understand fully that I am a newer member, but I feel that I am quite suited for the task I have set for myself.

As for the situations that come about via other clans, I am fully capable of handling anything and everything they feel like throwing at me.

I may be young, but as a gamer I have been playing since before I could walk.
Being a Leader is a part of me. I play on average 32 games, 4-8 at a time, all MMORPG.

Most  FPS, and Text based. Not to much into the 2D/3D games. I was as I was younger, but graphic aren't what make a game.

I am clan leader on nearly each of the games, in which my clan is on the top 5. I have experience in leading and organizing.

My intentions on having a clan are:

Make friends, have fun, and be myself.
Respect others as I want to be respected.
Help others out.
Never be on a Stacked team.
Make the game I am in fun if players are making it miserable.

If anyone is interested in a Leader who actually understands the responsibilities of guiding a clan, please, look no further.

I offer a friendly environment, with safe and friendly people.

I thank you for your concern, it is greatly appreciated.

I see you already know a member in my clan, and I would like to say: Seems I am making some good 'pick'n's.'

To let everyone know my abilities on DP:

I average top 3 in pubs. I have been playing here two months, but I played it about 9 years ago, as a child, for 2-3 years. I played Digital Paint on the side of Mage Storm, Ultima Online,Warcraft,  and several other games.

I have been playing FPS games since I was 5 years old, playing MMORPG's since I was 4. Started typing age 4. Haven't stopped since. :D

For my average killings:

I average 60-150 kills a game, with 10-45 deaths.

My many repeated witnesses are:

[Jow] Pato, Mao, Zeouz.
[Woy] Several members
Superman from 3 Inches of Superman (where I mastered the PGP.)
And many other several several several people.

Carbine I average 60-150:10-45 K:D Ratio.
PGP I average 45-75:45+ K:D Ratio.

And so on.  :-)

Thanks for the reply, and the concern of my abilities from being newer(again) to DP.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Clan Pog Mo Toin is Recruiting
« on: November 09, 2009, 08:43:06 PM »
Greetings everyone, I am Varience. Clan leader of ~Pog~ Mo Toin.

I want to offer a clan that will help make the game funner. I want to help resolve the problem of team killing, bot using, and many more other odds and ends.

Currently ~Pog~ is still growing. The clan consists of many very good players, and very respectful people. I recruit members by trying to get to know them. Not just anyone can join the clan. Known 'rudests' will not be accepted into the clan, unless proof is shown that you will respect any and ALL players and people on DigitalPaint.

~Pog~ Is currently looking for active, respectful, and kind players. You don't have to be the best FPS, but I hope you do have some skill in Digital Paintball, and other games. This way I know your understanding of FPSers.

~Pog~ Currently has only 10 members, not counting myself. They are fun, outgoing, and very friendly players. Don't make them mad however, they might shoot you in your rump when you aren't looking. :o Never know :P

~Pog~ Starting Date:
   2009-10-19 20:03:40

~Pog~ Rules and Restrictions:
#1No Disrespecting other players. No matter what they do or say to you. If you have a problem with someone, please let me know. I will try and handle it the best I can. If I cannot, then I will speak with the Servers Admin and have them help if possible.

#2Whilst using Inappropriate language, make sure that the Server Admin and players in the match do not mind. Don't need anyone offended now do we?

#3Play and Have Fun. Enjoy playing. Don't take the game to seriously. This is all for fun, nothing more. If it is something more to you, then you deserve to be in ~Pog~ where we will understand the addiction.

~Pog~ Website:

Currently ~Pog~ has a website that will be up in just a few weeks.
The Website will consist of active members, ranking list, activity, K:D Ratio, FlashGames, and many more fun features, such as a Clan Chat System,  along with a personal Forums! :-)

If you want to be with a respectful clan, that will be around forever, then leave a reply here, and I will get back too you.

That's all for now. I will keep up-to-date on this.

Thanks for your time and consideration(if you are considering joining us.)

Leave Reply's below!

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