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Messages - toxikr3

Pages: [1] 2
Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: trying to get more people to play
« on: January 03, 2010, 02:56:47 PM »
People would have one question,

Why would they play this game over the others?

Put some reasons down?

General Development / Re: Digital Paintball Update checker
« on: December 29, 2009, 03:02:27 PM »
Yeah thats true, I have latest version as 26 and current version as 28...

I can't really do anything, since the main page has to be updated with the version.

And this works for you guys?

General Development / Re: Digital Paintball Update checker
« on: December 25, 2009, 07:25:25 PM »
Ah! Its the problem with Vista >:(

Should work fine with xp.

Can you guys try to right click run as and select compatible with xp?

I'll try and look up the problem with Vista..

EDIT: Agh! Well I found that you will need this

It will install Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 and .net framework 3.5

If you don't want to download it, its cool. I know this is just a dragging pain! Hate compatibility issues

I got the link from this site

If it doesn't sound like it would help you, please don't download it.

General Development / Re: Digital Paintball Update checker
« on: December 25, 2009, 03:54:00 PM »
hm... alright I'll see if I can fix it


EDIT: Which version of netFrameWork do you have? 2.5 or higher?

General Development / Re: Digital Paintball Update checker
« on: December 25, 2009, 03:14:19 PM »
Has anyone tried this? Any errors?

General Development / Re: Digital Paintball Update checker
« on: December 24, 2009, 05:18:58 PM »
From the source forge mirrors. Same ones on the download page.

General Development / Digital Paintball Update checker
« on: December 24, 2009, 03:56:27 PM »
Hi guys, I have been working on this for a while now, thought I'd let you guys try it out and find any errors.

It a Update Checker for Paintball and if you are wondering how it works and what it does I will explain it to you. ^_^

Its an .exe file. If you think its a malware, please go ahead and scan it before you run it ^_^

Anyways, when you run the program it reads from a webpage,

It finds the last line and gets the latest build of the game. That is what you will see at the top right hand corner.

It then goes and reads the value from your computer's registry, it ONLY reads from the paintball registry for the build you currently have.

If they differ, it will show you a download button. This download button will let you download the latest update.

Once the download is complete, the program closes and runs the update.

If you have the latest version you can simple click play to start the game.

I have hosted this on RapidShare.

EDIT: New link, rapidshare link is messed :-\. This is hosted on my FileFront account.

Download and put it in the folder where your Paintball2.exe file is.

Most likely in C:\Games\Paintball2

To run this however you will need MicroSoft .NetFramework 2.5 at the least.

First run the program without downloading the NetFramework, if the programs runs, great, if not download then try again. If it still doesn't work please post.


EDIT: A very quick video

This is an older version, but still looks the same and works the same.

Official Feature Votes / Re: [Feature]Executables autoupdate
« on: December 24, 2009, 01:49:40 PM »
Alright, now this can help but, I do not want to mess with the registry. I think I can retrieve the values from the registry if I knew where it was installed ^_^

I can however run the updater once you have downloaded it automatically, so thats good ^_^

Retrieving the latest build... thats going to be a bit confusing, but I'll give it ago.

Thanks for feedback/help


EDIT: wow, I got it to read the latest build pretty quickly! ^_^

However, I do not know where to look for the current build in the registry..

EDIT2: Woop! I got it to read from the registry! Quick question, on the download page it says build 27 but on the server it says build 26...

I have build 28 in registry because I downloaded the update available on the forum.

So! Everything is good to go, nearly :D

Also, if you really want a customized video player, I can make you one. I however would need a FLV file to play inside it. Getting that format is up to you, I can simply change some stuff around, it will look somewhat like the YouTube player, but different in color schemes buttons etc.

Official Feature Votes / Re: [Feature]Executables autoupdate
« on: December 23, 2009, 02:38:33 PM »

I am very near to completing the updater. I will post a video up shortly. Just a quick question to Jitspoe I believe...

When you run an update, will you make it so it creates a text document in the directory?

I am not sure how easy this updater would be to get it to work with but if it works quickly it will save you some time ^_^

What I have so far with the updater:

Read from an online source for the latest version of the game
Read from hard drive the current version of game
Compare the two, and if they differ, it will show you a Download button
When you click download, it will go to a direct link for the file and download it to your computer without any popup boxes etc.
(Going to add where you want to download file to)
Once the file is downloaded, the current version is updated and the app tells you have the latest version.

The problem? The app restarts on download and checks for current version. The current version changes as SOON as the download is complete. But this does not mean the user has installed the setup. So I was wondering if you can make it so it changes or creates a new file with the new version...

whew thats long.



Just a very quick video.

Ok, maybe this might help with your project

" need people who no how to record in game and so on "
- You can try Growler Gun Cam, Fraps, Game Cam, HyperCam(not recomended) to record. They are VERY easy to use. Just setup the dimensions of where you want to record (for most of them), configure the quality, and press record.

" and really need someone who has somewhere to upload the video files as recording the hole games makes bit files  "

Not sure how familiar you are with YouTube, but it is a great place to host videos for free... 

" and i need someone who can make or sort out a video player of some sort so we can play the videos "

Same as above, YouTube provides a video player too....

So pretty much you can do it all on your own ^_^ for free.

If you want to make your own "YouTUbe" like website, I remember there was a software which could do that... I'd have to look it up. It makes it look nearly like YouTUbe excluding the color schemes etc.

Anyways, Enjoy


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Hi guys
« on: December 18, 2009, 06:02:03 PM »
Well we are (a group of friends) trying to get one of us to host a server, but currently we are only looking for a private server.

We might host a public one later depending on what goes on with the game.

Edit: I can host a server for all of you on this computer. But it won't be dedicated and might have some lag since I will be using it also.

If you are interested I can try to host if for sometime, but I don't keep the computer on for ever ^_^ so the server's uptime isn't going to be guaranteed.

Server Discussion / Hosting server on mac?
« on: December 16, 2009, 05:33:09 PM »
Is there anyway to do that? My friend is trying, using crossover, but it has been problematic.

Any help or a different version of server available?


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: More hp and more accurate weapons?
« on: December 15, 2009, 06:12:30 PM »
Alright thanks


Official Feature Votes / Re: [Feature]Executables autoupdate
« on: December 15, 2009, 05:13:52 PM »
I see... ^_^

Alright, but is it fine I also create on the side and you can use it if you like?

Just want to help :D


Official Feature Votes / Re: [Feature]Executables autoupdate
« on: December 15, 2009, 05:07:25 PM »
Its a vote...
I don't get the point.

Anyways, I have just managed to check the current value against a value on the web, if they differ it shows an update button. When you click it starts the download and can download to where ever you want. So the auto updater is pretty much done in like 30 min :D

Some glitches, just going to fix them up.


Official Feature Votes / Re: [Feature]Executables autoupdate
« on: December 15, 2009, 04:22:51 PM »
It shouldn't be hard to code this in VB.

I can try and make a program which checks for a file on a site. And if the version differs from the current one, it will show a download link? Or even just tell them and download the new files?

I have seen some tutorials for this, but I haven't actually created this before. If someone is more experienced in VB, I think it would be pretty easy to make that.

Paintball 2 Discussion / More hp and more accurate weapons?
« on: December 15, 2009, 04:19:51 PM »
Just wondering, I think there should be an option to add multiple hits and increase weapon accuracy. It should be an option.

I personally don't really like 1 hit kill, and some of the people I play with don't either. If it is possible, can we get an option to get multiple hits before death?

And the paint balls, I know they are realistic in speed and gravity etc. But again, if possible can you make it so you can increase the speed of the paint balls, and can turn on and off the gravity that effects the paint balls?

Sorry if it sounds like I am whining :D

But just trying to give some feed back after playing for a while ^_^



EDIT: Realized there is a section for requests..

Move please.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: jitspoe's .plan
« on: December 11, 2009, 07:59:59 PM »
... I'm also putting together an uninstall survey to help figure out why so many of the people that download the game aren't playing it (hopefully this will give some helpful feedback).  I just checked the stats, and it looks like there are ~300 downloads/day.  I laughed when I did the math and realized there are over 9000 downloads per month!

I think I can help with that. I was playing this game at lunch at school, some of my friends walked by and said it was a bad game, (mind you, I got some of my other friends to play it too, so we all play at lunch lined in a row ^_^) I asked them why, they said graphics sucks.

I think the main reason people don't play is because of the graphics. People just take one look at images and think its  not worth trying. If there was a way to improve the textures ingame, I think it will significantly improve the number of people.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Community Video
« on: December 05, 2009, 08:20:00 PM »
Its easy, just upload it to youtube, and use freewebs to make a nice looking site.

Copy the code from the video, the embed code at the side, and paste it on the website. Now you have a site with videos :D

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