« on: January 04, 2010, 04:50:51 AM »
Hello . I come here to plead my cause, I indeed think that you will have understood it. What I wish to say above all, it is that, unlike what maitre jitspoe has say, I learnt of my lesson, and I have nobody more interests has to cheat (I had no it has the time either moreover, I was just stupid). Then, I like has to say that I do not have any more to cheat has new, I know that you will believe in me with difficulty, sir, but it is nevertheless the truth. Think you not whom 64 days of hardships of shall have me not is enough? That I would want the double, by knowing perfectly what I risk? I ask you, pray and again kindly request to accept my excuses for the first time, time for which I dispute in no way your decision.... But this time if, I swear you, by involving my honor that I do not have to cheat, I have not speedhack.
Paradox, gamz, choupi
PS: Sory for my english...