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Messages - MosEz

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 37
Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Strongest player ever ?
« on: November 09, 2017, 07:13:30 AM »

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: The best player so far
« on: June 15, 2017, 02:00:17 AM »
EU: RoX, meini, Sata, prozajik (chronological order)

1st and 2nd place is all what you need.

me and zimtstern would still destroy anyone 2on2 map : pbcup.

Sure? :-P

So far the best Players still are

NA: Digi, shk, Blitz, Bob and XtremeBain and Reed!
EU: Rox, Viper and me (aka meini)

All said.

Rocky was only good at Airtime ;-)

Other Stuff / Sooo... Whats going on here?
« on: October 22, 2014, 04:34:01 AM »

Gimme a short overview about this.
Whats new? Any clanscene around? Any great cups around? Did paintball already died 8 times or am I too early?  ;)

Whos of my great americans or those other n** haters around?

Great idea to come back?

pce mz, meini, mosez, sexy, a player with a 4 number ID, an build 6 player or whatever you want  :)

Other Stuff / Re: Who are YOU?!! (With pictures!)
« on: December 12, 2013, 07:12:31 AM »
Short update after more then 2 years since I left dp.
With my soccer boys. Iam their Leader ;) (the right one on the bottom) pce out.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Burnhouse / Convert
« on: December 12, 2013, 06:59:20 AM »
Woah. After more then 2 years I read it.  lol jimmy :D

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« on: December 10, 2013, 04:06:26 AM »
Jitspoe slept away the change to advertise the game.

For me, nothing is worse than waiting 30-40 secs for a chance to play. Only to be spawn killed by some noob that would rather spawn kill the other team instead of capturing the flag. I guess if I had to choose, I'd rather play on a speed server. The lower spawn time means I get more chances to play.

And when you respawn, rush to the other base and kill all spawners makes you good? I am sorry but that is bull****.
When I started to play, it was awesome to see a guy, who got 70+ Kills . You wanted to be like him and trained every ****ing minute. After some months you got such scoros. Other people and clans knew you and you talked to eachother. But if I join a speedserver these days, you know noone and noone is talking because you CANT even read anything in the chat. The only spamming is "player 1 killed player 2". It is IMPOSSIBLE to make a conversation with others and tell them for examble about mIRC or whatever.

hi msez <3 :D
I agree.

hey babe

You ruined your game with the opinion to make speedservers. I am sorry but thats the truth. Everything changed since THIS moment.

I just played some rounds few days ago and I realized that every new build kills my talent more and more. (what talent? :D) Got also many problems with this sensitivity and it lags horrible at every kill/grab/waterfield. Maybe its impossible to play on a laptop anymore.

Mapping / Re: What map should i remake
« on: January 17, 2013, 02:38:01 AM »
DT i want a Pbcup_antioch.
or maybe try encounter or roundup

Other Stuff / Re: <3
« on: September 14, 2012, 12:15:33 AM »
dont come back babe :D
Fifa 13 is coming and all will leave again :D

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Another Idea to help "our" Clanscene
« on: September 03, 2012, 05:44:52 AM »
looks like noone of the developers is interested..

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Another Idea to help "our" Clanscene
« on: August 30, 2012, 03:37:10 PM »
I'm in the main channel of this game and that one is very very quiet. New players start here, so everybody should be there.

Well okay but the advertisment should be better organized. There should be an IRC Helper team, so new guys can contact them.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Another Idea to help "our" Clanscene
« on: August 30, 2012, 04:45:52 AM »
Also, IRC is dead. I'm there almost each day and nothing happens. Find something else that the players want to use, not need to use.
He's talking about the clans on irc being non existent. My argument is, he doesn't idle in a clan channel to notice what goes on.

I know that OTB did a lot in this game but the clanscene was not your best part. I dont want to blame your guys but there are some other guys in this game who know a bit more about the clanscene.
The problem is that the "new clans" dont even know something about IRC, so they cant take part and make an own channel.
I remember when I was a newbie in this game I just knew the 2 big german teams but someday I joined an american team and they showed me IRC with krew, er33t, prozak, GT and all those others and I was like woah.. There are a lot of teams which you dont even knew. You have seen mappers and names which you only knew from hearing and you felt like something little in this big community.
And thats the problem, noone of the new guys know something about it.

You know that everyone started with no knowledge about this game. I bet you just started to play on a random serv, pubbed some rounds and enjoyed it. Then you have seen some clanmember, spoke to him if you can take part and you joined it. And someday someone gave you an info about IRC and you said to yourself "well lets see what it is."
But today noone is talking to each other. Its just speedspawn in 5 sec and you cant even talk to someone. Did anyone tried to find a match on a speedserver? I tried... its impossible.You dont even check that someone said someting. Its everytime "guy1 killed with a carbine guy2. guy2 respawned"
So some advertisment at the biggining of a Digital Paintball life would help. Or just close those meddling speedservers. In the past the spawntime of 60sec or 30sec worked fine aswell and we had more matches and teams...

Paintball 2 Discussion / Another Idea to help "our" Clanscene
« on: August 29, 2012, 07:11:15 AM »
We all had some ideas to help "our" game but nothing really worked.
After coming back to this game, I pubed some days and I realized, there are some new guys around, who are making some little teams, but they do not really know how to match, getting a match server or knowing something about the clanscene.

to my idea:
1. step: Every server needs the global login system. (There are some speed servers which do not have this.)
2. step: Its possible that we are losing some guys, because they do not want to register but I hope some guys want to register and gonna work with my idea.
3. step: If you want to register you need to go to as everybody knows
4. step: After you registered you have to activate your account. -> Now you are ready to play and thats the mistake in my eyes.
5. step: There should be some notice for using mIRC.
For example: When you want to activate your account on you should get a link for mIRC (on this side or via eMail) or some easy guide for using mIRC. (What is mIRC?, do i need it?, how can I use it?   Because I think no new players check the forums.)

I hope new guys gonna download mIRC and see the clanscene.

There should be also some links on the activate side for our matchservers (OTB, eR33t, Superman).

The guys should see, there is a clanscene in this game. They need some advertisment for it. I dont know if its possible, but also an idea is to send an email to all players how to use mIRC or something like an tournament reminder. (For example: PBcup 2012 will start in 2 months on .../.../2012. Do you want to play with a team? Register here -> ... )

I hope I get some constructive criticism.

gz meini/mosez

Other Stuff / Re: Who are YOU?!! (With pictures!)
« on: August 29, 2012, 04:12:04 AM »
thats me

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: match scene diminishing
« on: May 04, 2012, 06:04:42 AM »
Every day, month, year the same problem and we already tried so many things and nothing happend and dp died like 500+ times. The Best Idea was the Electronic Sports League [ESL] to get this game famous but all laughed and noone helped. You all just say we have to do something but noone let an idea come true. Just stop making threads like this... Its over ...


Other Stuff / Re: Who are YOU?!! (With pictures!)
« on: January 31, 2012, 07:53:35 AM »
lmao :D

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