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Messages - Xile

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Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Sup?
« on: April 22, 2017, 04:14:08 PM »
miss you boo

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / [cF] Team Coldfusion is back!
« on: March 13, 2014, 05:46:18 PM »
Team cF is back! You may have seen us around some pubs lately :D

Contact me, Slie, or SuperMonkey if you're willing to tryout/join us. We prefer old school player's but anyone is aloud to try.

Just a few thought's though, if you spam chat a lot and do annoying things we automatically don't want to associate with you. If you have a good demeanor then by all means, contact one of us :)

You can also find us in #team_coldfusion on IRC.

Other Stuff / Re: Looking for an old friend (Xile)
« on: March 01, 2014, 03:47:38 PM »
NEVER HEARD OF HIM BEFORE, i heard hes an ugly ginger kid

jits coded the game. hes spent MANY hours slaving over code for you all, and when he does the slightest little thing. you all freak out. the amount of involvement you have to begin with is 98% more then any other game out there. so stop whining and accept the fact that you're not the person coding the game. if you have such a huge problem, go code your own paintball game and see how well you do. Obviously all the whiners know whats best and can make a better game. So go ahead. Jit's has no obligation to tell you anything. I can see the process ceasing soon enough because of all this. I'm surprised jits hasn't just said here.. final version. I'm done updating, this is it. He probably could have done that builds and builds ago, moved onto something else. A better engine, or whatever. But he didn't. So respect his decisions because you're all lucky you have as much say as you do in the first place. And if you READ the change log before you ran the game like you're supposed to. Then you would know about it. That's what it's for. If you don't like what he did. Be like anyone else in any other game and run build19 or 18 or whatever on your server. Enough said. Good night.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Commiting Suicide with Nades
« on: October 14, 2007, 02:39:49 PM »
The only thing that concerns me is people starting to hold onto grenades in matches on purpose. To kill themselves to end the round when they know the other team will cap....

I cannot fathom why nobody else has thought of this....

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / cF proud to present euro divison!
« on: October 09, 2007, 12:25:12 PM »
Hey all, Xile here.

cF has grown in the last few weeks to a full fledged clan! Woohoo. Anyways, we have opened up a euro divison openely to euro players.

To tryout come to #team_coldfusion_euro on IRC and talk to Chevy :D

Map Graveyard / Re: New Map - Ranger by FourthX
« on: October 02, 2007, 08:12:20 PM »
nice fourthy, lol

the ledgejump was a little weird to make at first :D

nice work, kinda reminds me of my camp map a bit :D

are those ledges that lead to nowhere near the sides supposed to be dead ends?

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: North American Clans
« on: September 07, 2007, 07:07:45 AM »
Clan: Team coldFusion
When did the clan start: 2002-03 (FourthX)
Current activity level: Medium (few matches a week)
Recruiting Status: Taking tryouts
Brief history:  cF was started by FourthX and Delirious back in 2002-03. I was picked up and was appointed co-leader in a matter of weeks. Was aimed at helping newbies out by training them to be a better player, not only in skill, but is personality. Today its a merge between [cF] coldFusion and .cF. conflict morals. Run by myself, wade, and the ever inactive scribey :P
DPLogin Link:
IRC Channel: #team_coldfusion on (

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: This is exactly the problem.. right here....
« on: September 07, 2007, 01:19:37 AM »
Well, I guess they will never want to match us :)
Considering were all washed up and are easy to beat :)

Paintball 2 Discussion / This is exactly the problem.. right here....
« on: September 07, 2007, 01:00:04 AM »
Ok, so i see some people from uE on a pub. I go on IRC to join a channel and get this....

(02:54am) ยค * You were kicked from #team_uE by ChanServ ((Deranged) Sorry your clan is terrible and full of washed up players.)

LOL. CF is not full of washed up players. It is mostly made up of newer players who we are helping become better. And yeah, this really helps in that department lol.

I just don't get why people are like this really. It's a disgrace to the game itself. You try to do something good and help out the newer people. But it is the new-2year old player's who think they own the world.
I guess things will never really change.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Noob clan network!
« on: September 06, 2007, 08:18:04 AM »

Yeah, thats my point though. He said, just don't use them. That's why i said you should focus more on don't make distracting and annoying fun names. Because there are quite a few annoying and distracting fun names. But there's also a lot that pretty slick.

I don't think that you should tell people not to use fun names. It is in the game to use, so it shouldn't be frowned upon. I think you should focus more on the color parts. Don't make distracting fun names. I don't get why so many people think so many things are wrong when you are aloud to do it in the game. It's just stupid. If you don't like the fun names, then don't play the game. Because it's part of the client and if it was really such a big problem, jitspoe would have removed them when he switched to standalone. Paintball is a very colorful game to begin with. The colors of the player's are fairly bright themselves. Should they be changed too? Just because you don't like them, doesn't mean other people shouldn't use them.


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Committee Nominations
« on: September 01, 2007, 04:34:16 PM »
If you don't mind me asking, why? :(
Because over the years I have tried many ways to better the community. And I don't think personally a committee would help much. Like I have stated before, I only included the question in the dp survey to get a rough outline of what people think. I did not intend for it to start anything real. And to be frank, I'm done trying to do what other people don't. It's time for someone else to step up to the plate and give it a shot because I'm just exausted. I'll just play the way I always have and enjoy myself as always. I don't think many people will change anyways. It's just the way the internet world is today. It's sad but true. I have many doubts that the community will ever regain it's integrity. I had a lot of people I thought were for the better good behind definedp. To my dismay, half of them have been banned for things that go against the code. So, really. People will always just do what the "cool" people want them to. And no, maybes were not counted as a yes. They were counted as undecided, which only 3 people voted this way. I just say good luck to those elected and I hope you have better luck then I did.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Team .cF. Recruiting
« on: August 31, 2007, 02:23:46 PM »
Team .cF. is now recruiting a few positions. You must be respectful and decent. You must have a mic, and you must have IRC and ventrilo. You must be active more then 3 times a week for a span of atleast 6 hours in total. You must not have a reputation of a clan hopper or flame starter.

Contact Xile or wade on here or on IRC @ #team_coldfusion  on

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Committee Nominations
« on: August 31, 2007, 08:53:13 AM »
I decline my nomination.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Modified content: quakeplayer (Warhead?)
« on: August 28, 2007, 10:31:35 PM »
Yea, and apparently JiGsaW knows me in real-life. And has been in a clan with me. He has given me a skateboard and we used to hang out all the time lmao. At least this is what people have been telling me. Considering I was never in .cF. but was in [cF], I at this point don't believe anything jigsaw says. So I'd stick to what I know from facts and do what I'd have to do.

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