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Messages - Happy_Christman

Pages: [1]
Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: PB2, the mod version?
« on: June 09, 2004, 10:30:00 PM »
PS: I'd also like to be able to substitute my own death sounds. This may already be doable, but I don't know which pak(s) to replace, if so...?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: PB2, the mod version?
« on: June 09, 2004, 10:27:26 PM »
Well, I'd like to make it clear that I'm not out to disparage the current PB2 client (because it's very kind of you to provide a standalone client).

Since you asked, though, I'll tell you what I like about Q2E that might apply to future versions of stand-alone PB2:

1 Rendering is on par with, if not better than Quake 3's. This includes optional shadows, dynamic lighting, quality particle effects creating colored smoke, et cetera. Vanilla Quake 2, while a far superior game to Q3 in terms of play, IMO, looks pretty dated in comparison. Played in Q2E's engine, though, Quake 2 and its mods look eye-popping-ly good.

2 The graphics are extremely scaleable via the in-game menu, keeping it slower-machine friendly for those who need fewer bells and whistles.

3 The Q3-style handling of crosshairs. You can choose from a large range and customize your size.

4 The Q3-style handling of memory. I'm spoiled to being able to allocate hunkmegs, zonemegs, et cetera.

One other thing that might be cool, though it's not in Q2E (it's from Q2Max), is an option to engage cell shading. I wouldn't make it standard, but it'd rock to be able to make it all look cartoony, if/when the whim arose.  :)

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: PB2, the mod version?
« on: June 08, 2004, 10:58:32 AM »
Sorry I'm late in replying, but thanks for the information, jitspoe.

I also don't really advocate OS flames, but:

1) I haven't used a Macintosh in five or so years, and I do not miss them. I'm not exactly MS' biggest fan, but Apple's customer service has bottomed out and I'd rather pay $20-$100 and upgrade a part on my PC than have to pay for an entirely new machine if I want a faster Mac.

2) Having said what I said in item 1, Mac users aren't stupid, generally. They may be misguided and taken for a ride by Apple, but they can't find decent games because few companies are willing to take the time to port titles to the island that is the Mac OS. This is not their fault.

Paintball 2 Discussion / PB2, the mod version?
« on: May 31, 2004, 01:35:41 PM »
I love PB2 and the new engine is cool, but I have to confess: I'm addicted to the graphical bells and whistles of Quake 2 Evolved (which make Siegecastle look extra nice, by the way).

I have the full release and it does load in Q2E, but it always has to "download" the textures (from within the pball folder) and can't find all the sounds. It won't let me play a game, either because it keeps telling me I need "at least two teams". I understand that I won't be able to access the stand-alone app's menus, but it's tantalizing seeing the maps rendered beautifully in a Q3-quality engine... only to be unable to play (beyond running around in spectator mode).

I know I'm pressing my luck, but you've been so nice so far I thought I'd ask:

1) Is there a mod version of the game available, or will there be?

2) In case the answer to #1 is "no" or "yes, but it's gonna' be a while", how might I nest the folders so that textures are found by a Quake 2 install?

3) As far as I can tell, I have my configs in pball/configs, et cetera set to allow multiple clients, but the mod's telling me my max is set to zero. Where might the suspect file be that's causing all the hassle?

4) I'd like to set up a shortcut to run the game as a DM with, let's say, eight bots. What'd the syntax be for that, if I'm using Quake2.exe?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Bots in PB2?
« on: May 31, 2004, 08:16:16 AM »
Ah ha!

Astute answers to both. Thanks (again) bro. :)

Paintball 2 Discussion / Bots in PB2?
« on: May 30, 2004, 07:16:55 PM »
Hi guys,

First and foremost, thanks for providing an alternative to standard Q2. Enjoy it though I do, sometimes I'm just more in the mood for something active, but less lethal - and paintball's just the thing. You guys are da men.

I have two questions:

1) Are standard Q2 bots (ie eraser) compatible, and if not, how do we play with bots?

2)  Is PB2 compatible with newer Q2 engines like Q2 Evolved? Just nosy.

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