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Messages - BinarySpike

Pages: [1]
Resolved Help & Support / Re: Global bans on modded clients?
« on: May 28, 2007, 07:06:43 PM »
Jenkins won't register (he's to paranoid) so he can't edit his posts, that's why the double post.

loial21: Jitspoe does it all the time, what you mod is the real key.

Oh yes, Just remembed.

I changed a ton of variable mismatch (several int variables were declared earlier as qboolean, etc. etc.)

As for several if statements that used floats
if (dedicated && dedicated->value)

if (dedicated)
  if (dedicated->value)

And there were a crapload of warnings mostly unsinged and signed comparison and "suspicious variable assignment"

(not to mention I had to make borland versions of pthreadvc.lib, winmm.dll and wsock32.lib)

Ok me and my friend (crewmanjenkis? I think he posted about modding)  have been setting up dp on various compilers.  On windows VC was fine, but Borland had a problem.

Whenever we tried to join the normal b18 (that we updated from b16) it would just say "ub_cliff by unibonger" over and over and over.

We tried the Borland compiled server as well, same problem.  When using a normal client on our compiled server, the problem was not there.  Obviously it is client error, anybody have any clues?

Also, multithreading messes up debugging, so I can't debug.  if someone could tell me the location of where it prints the worldspawn "message" that would be helpful.  Cause it just keeps printing that over and over and over.

Thanks :)

I tried going to the list server and it crashed, multithreading won't show me where though :-/

Ah, on "join game" I get a dialog.
Net_SendPacket: bad address type

Mapping / Re: r_speeds on 5 arch vs 20 arch
« on: May 26, 2007, 10:37:04 PM »
hehe I'm 2200 on this new part... qbsp vis.bat is taking forever... at least it doesn't "seem to hang"

Mapping / Re: r_speeds on 5 arch vs 20 arch
« on: May 26, 2007, 04:02:26 PM »
Wow, yeah it was at 2000 with the beams in, now it is 1200.

Hopefully the final compile will do an even better job :)

Mapping / Re: r_speeds on 5 arch vs 20 arch
« on: May 26, 2007, 11:29:49 AM »
No, because I have no lights.

I have used light entities before, but the compile looks like it hangs at the second pass. (where it starts printing 0..1..2 the second time)

Mapping / r_speeds on 5 arch vs 20 arch
« on: May 26, 2007, 01:54:13 AM »
I made an arch with 5 pieces on top, and when standing under it looking up I get a yellow r_speed of 1200, when I make a 20 piece arch, I get 1200-1300.

So what's making it so high for the 5 piece arch?

Mapping / Siege zone...?
« on: May 25, 2007, 10:44:28 PM »
What zone defines in Siege the area the defending team cannot exit? (or they die)

Also is it possible to make "zones" so they could walk in a specific line outside?

General Development / Re: My mac port cancled due to cussing
« on: February 26, 2007, 07:39:41 PM »
Thanks P!nk, but I found that it's /players, is there like a list of all the commands/variables somewhere?

General Development / Re: My mac port cancled due to cussing
« on: February 26, 2007, 04:35:52 PM »
Evangelical Morals !== Gaming Morals.

First off it's != in mainstream programming languages...

All I'm saying is if you want to address cussing in-game where it's not legal, or frowned upon, or undesired then that's fine.
Keep it focussed on the game and rules where the arguments have no rebuttal.
Society and life are so vast and varied that your, almost religious, preachings of cussing die fast and hard before my eyes.

Second off, I agree, society is vast and varied, but my "preaching" only has to reach the devs, server owners and mods.

And, if cussing is addressed then I can promise with 100% sureness that the quality of DP will increase in multiple area's.
(I'm assured mainly because 3 programmers friends of mine host private servers because they think the cussing is so bad, and they would love to help out if they could play on public servers)

General Development / Re: My mac port cancled due to cussing
« on: February 26, 2007, 02:57:37 PM »
It's a tool for whiners and complainers
No, wrong. It's a tool for expression. You may have learned through your life to express displeasure to someone by saying "You are such a bad person!" Well not everyone went to your school of upbringing. Everyone is different, and everyone has there own bubble of influence that has brought them through life. The use of cussing to express happens to be a part of many person's bubble of influence.

The only people I see cussing are whiners that just got pwned, another incident happenned on ub_cliffs, neither team could get a point and when I grabbed the other teams flag (due to an FPS lag spike because of the massive amounts of grenades going off at once) two people cussed, when I died they joyfully announced that the b* was dead.

It reduces respect people have for you
Yeah, whatever, see one and two buddy.
It shows you don't have control
LOL, are you serious? My choices of words to express says all that huh? I think people that cuss have just the same amount of control as the next, non-cussing, person. NOW, not having control enough to NOT cuss when the rules state they should not is another story.

When you are angry and you let out a cuss word, that is not self-control

It reflects ignorance
Really? So people that cuss are reflecting a lack of knowledge or education? Amazing revelation.

Point made on that one, ignorance doesn't deal entirely with knowledge or education, it's a precept on the subjects.

About some of the other ones, cussing "reflects" it means it makes people think of you... aka gives a bad impression, then we list them, bad atitude, no self-control, etc. etc.

It's how people *think* of you, if you don't care what people think of you that makes you ignorant!!!

Swearing is Bad for Society
It contributes to the decline of civility
It represents the dumbing down of America
I'll group these two together. Cussing is not something America invented. Cussing has not been a major factor in any decline of civility as far as I know. Prove me wrong with hard statistics. You want to avoid the decline of civility and dumbing down of America? How about teaching our children that the word "ask" is NOT pronounced "axe". Eliminate Ebonics and teach our children how to speak the English language correctly? How about African Americans stop teaching there children to hate whitey? How about respect for each and every other person as a human being regardless or race or religion, how about good work ethics, self respect, pride in your work, etc...

So I guess someday our dialog is gonna look like this?
hey crappy? what the crap is up fool? we need to go on a crappy date? yeah? ok good crap!

That's what that means.

It offends more people than you think
It makes others uncomfortable
It is disrespectful of others
It turns discussions into arguments
It can be a sign of hostility
I'll group all these together also. THAT'S THE POINT!

Yay! we finally understand you cuss to make people uncomfortable... how thoughtful!

It can lead to violence
Yeah that makes sense. I can't remember a single declaration of war, essentially causing extreme amounts of violence and enormous loss of life that was started by cussing.

Dude, violence doesn't mean war, although I should have put "hostility"

Swearing corrupts the English language
It's abrasive, lazy language
YES it's abrasive. That's the point. Can non-cuss words also be abrasive? Of course they can. It's not lazy, by any means. I don't know where you got that from. Maybe you were too lazy to think up anything more creative to throw into this mix of gross fallacies?

You are what you eat is a saying? well what you spew out of your mouth is a reflection of your heart.

It doesn't communicate clearly
I think "You're a  sock sucker" communicates that I despise you and every person in your gene pool very clearly. (see disclaimer at end of post)

Like mud

It neglects more meaningful words
See above. How can you get more meaningful than, "Eat excrement you  dirty crack sexually promiscuous person!" when you're pissed off that your girlfriend/wife has just went down on the postman? (see disclaimer at end of post)

But how many people say stuff like that while playing? no they let out a single cuss word generlized at multiple people.

It lacks imagination
WOW, only a person with little imagination could make such a ludicrous statement such as this. "Like my hairy hanging nut sack you stinking smelly crack sexually promiscuous person" lacks imagination? Cussing expresses some of the most imaginative use of expletive and body part combinations ever. It's often quite comical. (see disclaimer at end of post)
F u is a lot of imagination isn't it?

I know several real people that cuss heavily that hate it when people cuss unimaginative, they only allow imagintive cussing on their servers (different game)

It has lost its effectiveness
Well if it has lost it's effectiveness then why do you even care? Seriously!? On the contrary, cussing, to those that use it, is perfect for HAMMERING their expression home, just how they want.

Dude that's why people take college classes on speech, to HAMMER it down, if you debate with someone more people will like the person who speaks fluently with large words than using four letter cuss words.

So we've blundered through another post of someone jumping on their "Conform to society because we're better than you" pedestal.

Plenty of people in society cuss, and you stood up next to me on the pedestal by posting yourself...
You guys had to know this kind of post would elicit a nice response from me... I'm very passionate about this subject so I may get me a nice ban on this one, but whatever

Listen, if you cuss to offend people, you are offensive.

now S8NSSON, I am and not in anyway telling you you *can't* cuss, but I promise you, if cussing can be curbed on DP you will have a high influx of new people, which means more servers.  More servers means more developers. if you just sit and cuss then developers like myself will go to better games to put features in, so DP will stagnate in it's old graphics and eventually die.

(now that last sentence could have been "DP will burn in... with it's c*y graphics)

letting off a single cuss word isn't imaginative, it's not effective, it shows bad atitude (frustration) and does nothing for anybody else, which is selfish, and in frustration it's showing you have little self-control.

@Jitspoe, I have a friend who might want to help me put a client side filter in, but I can't make any promises, I'll talk to him later today.

Big quote, forget who it's by...
In the end a single anarchist will die to the onslaught of government, if there are only a handful of anarchists and governments that employ over 2 million people, then why should we believe the minority?


General Development / Re: My mac port cancled due to cussing
« on: February 26, 2007, 12:17:22 PM »
But IMO, cussing isn't that bad, they hear worse in school and such.

Not what I heard, and not in my school, one guy was cybering ok?

All they have to do is type:

ignore #


General Development / My mac port cancled due to cussing
« on: February 26, 2007, 12:34:13 AM »
After a little falling out in the bzflag community over a very popular map I made I have started playing DP.

Playing dp was nice because I sat back, joined the losing team to get better, and would play.  Well recently I was on a server and a guy cussed, well having a key bound to say "Please watch the cussing!" because several factors, there were around 40 people playing and any one of them could have been under 10 years old, this is very inappropriate, after a short time three or four guys were cussing me out because I had the key bound and every time they said anything sexual related I hit the bound button.

A couple other players asked for them to stop cussing and they started cussing them out, I'm not sure how admining goes, but as far as this goes DP needs a cuss filter.

Until something like this has been created, and people take action to curb the language and sexual innuendo, I will abandon my mac port (I was basing it off SDL which was a little complicated, but what one of the forum members suggested when I asked about a mac port, because SDL supports more than mac, it would have generalized the opengl context creation)

If I have to I will release my own digital paintball with a complete admining system like that of tjw's mod of Tremulous, and stricter rules on the public servers.

until the digital paintball community becomes *everyone* friendly, then I will not support them.

Swearing Imposes a Personal Penalty
It gives a bad impression
It makes you unpleasant to be with
It endangers your relationships
It's a tool for whiners and complainers
It reduces respect people have for you
It shows you don't have control
It's a sign of a bad attitude
It discloses a lack of character
It's immature
It reflects ignorance
It sets a bad example

Swearing is Bad for Society
It contributes to the decline of civility
It represents the dumbing down of America
It offends more people than you think
It makes others uncomfortable
It is disrespectful of others
It turns discussions into arguments
It can be a sign of hostility
It can lead to violence

Swearing corrupts the English language
It's abrasive, lazy language
It doesn't communicate clearly
It neglects more meaningful words
It lacks imagination
It has lost its effectiveness

Something I like is "It lacks imagination"
Calling me sweaty pirate underpants is a lot more degrading than cussing your head off at me, just makes you look like an uncontrollable fool.

and I'm not talking about stubbing your toe and letting one slip, I'm talking about cussing someone out *on purpose*

If you get angry, walk away, kick the cat a few times

A lot of ppl cuss cause they hate losing, if you join the losing team then you set your expectation as low as you can get, so you can only go up, and you also learn a lot more a lot faster, that's how you start placing first every other game against ppl like FourthX in your first month.

General Development / Re: Spell Check on Post
« on: September 12, 2006, 09:40:45 PM »
Doesn't windows have it's own spellchecker?

In mac when you type a wrong word it automatically puts little red dots under the word...

General Development / Re: Porting to mac (need some info)
« on: May 07, 2006, 08:33:24 AM »
Thanks guys for the quake info...

I'll check out the IRC 8)
(I looked on freenode)

I tried installing linux on this machine but it wouldn't boot from the installer disk (Suse)

Also, not everybody knows what linux is, I doubt some n00bs would understand how to run the game...

btw, my friend (AlliedArmour) loves this game, so I don't think I'm just gonna port it and disappear... I'm a bzflag fan (ranked 8th in the bzcontest) and I love games...

One thing I'm kinda down about is that you use function pointers in your modules. *shudders*

General Development / *confused*
« on: May 05, 2006, 08:03:25 PM »
I'm confused... do I need Quake to run this program?

General Development / Re: Porting to mac (need some info)
« on: May 05, 2006, 07:47:05 PM »
Btw, I see OpenAL and ogg vorbis, I don't know what q2a3d is for either... or a3d, if somebody could catch me on IM I could probably do this in a day or two

(just don't try on thursdays... those are my *no computer* days... I'm not on most of the day busy with other things)

General Development / Re: Porting to mac (need some info)
« on: May 05, 2006, 06:26:36 PM »
Is there a way to cross-compile for the mac platform?  If you manage to get this working, it would be nice to have a way to keep it up-to-date without having to rely on somebody who owns a mac.  Also, now that there are x86 macs... how does that work out?  Will we need an x86 version and a PPC version?

Gcc might support cross-platform compling... not sure...
(like architecture building)

You can create ONE binary that works on rosetta and ppc at the same time... (Universal Binary, but that only works on 10.3 and up)

I run 10.2 so I can't do rosetta builds :( but I know ppl who can...

SDL would make it cross-platform to all platforms... that would be awesome... but I don't know SDL, I know carbon very well... and OpenGL so I can easly port it...

and btw, if I compile it it will work on 10.1+ (which is nice)

I will have to learn some OpenGL things... like fonts... etc. etc... never done that... but NeHe will have the code needed...

and if you use shaders/anistroptic filtering *shudder* I will not be able to test it... I only have Rage 128 Pro (At least I think it's pro)

I need some help... if somebody could get me on AIM, MSN, or YIM so I could ask some questions... that would be great :D

iBinarySpike (AIM)
BinarySpike[[at]hotmail[dot]]com (MSN) (don't send me mail here it causes me problems)
BinarySpike (YIM)

General Development / Porting to mac (need some info)
« on: May 04, 2006, 11:31:00 PM »
I need some info on what exactly DP does... that is platform specific... you guys probably know this info... I can't test it but I have several linux friends that play and well... us mac dudes from bzflag can't play... so I'm gonna port it... there's not much code...

From what I can tell you can run CD tracks ingame... (strange... never thought of doing that on mac)

And you have events... (mac events in C++ == carbon)

OpenGL (cross-platform)

Do you use STL at all?

BSD sockets right? I hope so... if not then your networking is probably bad... I also see you use Quake Engine... is there a mac port?

Also, what are all the needed libraries? like do you use zlib? libcurl? do you compile shared libraries and then compile them on the client? where is the server?

(you can see I need a ton of info... I have the source... and I know enough about programming to port it)

I didn't see any porting tips or info... and I'm just now browsing this forum...

Thanks, ;)

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