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Messages - Leg1t

Pages: [1]
jee thanks unrated

And sriously howed he find my username? lol

I was banned twice in one year?

Mapping / Re: map-making
« on: December 18, 2011, 09:08:44 PM »

Mapping / Re: map-making
« on: December 18, 2011, 09:06:56 PM »
Im a new maper bu been learning the software little be little what u need to know and ill try and help

Mapping / Re: How to: Looped Music In A Map
« on: September 18, 2011, 01:33:28 PM »
V, can uadd the music to my map cus i cant seem do do it ill email u the sound to if ull do it its supossed to be a rave map wit deadmua5 as the dj

Mapping / Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« on: September 18, 2011, 12:51:54 PM »
how do u put music in the map?

Mapping / Re: BSP Editing Tips, aka "How to make a map."
« on: June 14, 2011, 07:41:05 PM »
Ok i did the 2 team fla setup but it says connot make another world entity wtf?

Map Graveyard / New possible map
« on: June 12, 2011, 01:33:06 PM »
its an nppl map plz edit

Mapping / Re: mapping
« on: November 27, 2010, 08:20:45 PM »
Well now i do so could u help me? This is my map i knw there alot of problems its my first map and i am so excited to even play with all the bugs andf excrement so pleasssssssseeeeeeee
Donwload the .zip file i think cus i put this in both its original state wen it was map and i also have it in bsp form which i just put .bsp on the end and it chnaged it to bsp

Mapping / Re: mapping
« on: November 27, 2010, 08:14:31 PM »
Well now i do so could u help me? This is my map i knw there alot of problems its my first map and i am so excited to even play with all the bugs andf excrement so pleasssssssseeeeeeee

Mapping / Re: mapping
« on: November 27, 2010, 07:36:51 PM »
Um... not really sure what you're discribing there...

Are you just doing export | qbsp?  Do you have all the directories set up properly like is instructed with the txt file?
[/quote]Can u givce me a config box cus i donwloaded the bsp with paintball2 support from here and i wen i finished everything the entitties and all it said and it cant find maps/inprogress/mymap.bsp but wen i open my recent map files it only lets me open .map files and i cant campile anything or exprt anything and i cant find the onfig box for the path please help me..!!!! do u think maybe i could somehow send u the map file and u can post it but ill give u my accnt for the MOMENT so i get cred for my map please and ty:)

Mapping / Re: mapping
« on: November 27, 2010, 07:36:08 PM »
nm im not gonna use quark any more i got raident working for q2 and i know that editor. ok i got a friend that dont like raident (or it wont work for him) and he wants to use quark but he is getting the same error thing i was getting and i dont know how to fix it can you help me so i can help him?
"QuArK could not execute this or these programs. you must be shure they are installed on your system and then enter the path to them in the configuration dialog box. Do you want to enter the path now ?"  i got the build tools and extracted them but when i put the path into the quark it says the same thing.

im trying to get him to use qeradient but its not working on his computer if he can only get that it would all fall into place and work fine.   about time i got him to use radient i had to email it to him but it works fine now.

Can u givce me a config box cus i donwloaded the bsp with paintball2 support from here and i wen i finished everything the entitties and all it said and it cant find maps/inprogress/mymap.bsp but wen i open my recent map files it only lets me open .map files and i cant campile anything or exprt anything and i cant find the onfig box for the path please help me..!!!! do u think maybe i could somehow send u the map file and u can post it but ill give u my accnt for the MOMENT so i get cred for my map please and ty:)

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