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Messages - hexhunter

Pages: [1]
Other Stuff / Re: Ingrown Toe Nails Anyone?
« on: October 24, 2006, 08:12:33 AM »
I've had 3 ingrown toe nail surgeries sofar, last one was last christmas (I had my op. at the start of the holidays so I could rest for a week or 2 withoout missing out on school work), to be honest, I quite miss having them... They seem to have stalled now, but they could come back. I know one person who gets them anually since he was 2 or something...

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Possible Xbox 360 port
« on: August 29, 2006, 08:10:11 AM »
I dont like it when people say that xbox controllers cant play FPS's, they can play FPS's and they add a new dimension because of the analog controls, strafe jumping is easy, you us the left thumbstick and the A button at the same time, fire with the trigger turn with the right thumbstick(you only have to tap the A button and it's right next to the thumbstick)... I play FPS's on both PC and XBox/PS2, the differences are minimal and dont affect me atall, and there's no sniping in this game so thats no problem either...

I also think that the controller is more instinctive and easier for N00bs to use.

Other Stuff / Re: Phone Hijack
« on: May 18, 2006, 11:51:30 AM »
Actually, 'your' phone line is shared with atleast 5 other people.

In Physics were learnt that the line switches between user's every couple milliseconds, so your data is sent, then ur neighbour's, then all the other people using their phones down your street, then eventually it gets back to you, ofcourse, you don't notice it, because you can't here at the millihertz level.

Apparantly, that has something to do with physics  :P

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