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Messages - QuDos

Pages: [1]
General Development / Re: Linux installer
« on: September 26, 2006, 04:17:13 AM »
Yes, it's managed by setup.xml (default), note that in the installer there are some others xml files.

You can exec the run file from promtp with the option "--keep"  and explore the folders, and are the important.

Take a look to the cvs loki_setup tree, specially Setup.xml

The rest, checkboxes, ... is done by setup

General Development / Re: Linux installer
« on: September 22, 2006, 02:06:14 PM »
Hia, sorry, i was very busy the last 2 weeks.

Jitspoe, i don't understand your request about add the loki files to the CVS, loki_setup has its own CVS, just these binaries in the installer were compiled to run with gtk2 support, except loki_update.

Btw, the symplecrypt code in the current pb2 CVS is not *nix friendly :(

TinMan, SSE binaries are the default because Jitspoe requested in another post, or maybe i didn't understood it. In other hand, i'm stucked in a non 64 machine, so feel free to build loki_setup for 64, let me know if you want to try it.

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Sound problems in Linux
« on: September 08, 2006, 10:51:02 AM »
Ok, I installed using the build 17 installer and it worked once, but now it gives me this error

------- sound initialization -------

load /usr/local/games/paintball2/ failed: No such file or directory
------- Loading -------
LoadLibrary("") failed: No such file or directory
recursive shutdown
Error: Couldn't load gl refresh!

EDIT: I found in the paintball2 folder, so i dont know why it says its not there...

How did you to run pb2, script or binary?

Also, be sure the game it's installed under /usr/local/games/paintball2, by default will create a start script under /usr/local/bin/paintball2
Maybe there is something wrong in the installer, sometimes i'm forgotting do changes to the files because i'm testing in 6/7 distros and two FreeBSD releases.

Get the last installer in my tmp dir, if this installer works fine the next only will be component updates.

Btw, works with some crashes with compiz enabled but i can't get fullscreen at all, any suggestion?  I'm new about compiz.

General Development / Re: Linux installer
« on: September 08, 2006, 05:46:38 AM »

Yeas TinMan, Makeself is just for "compress" the installer created with loki setup.

Ok, there is a new installer ready at the same place, the first one was removed.

Note that the installer will ask the root password for loki_update tool, loki_uninstall and paintball2 installation,
just cancel and will continue as user that you are, or type the root password and install it globaly, it's also possible to select different paths than /usr/local/games.

This time will support gtk2 only, FreeBSD native installer, tools and pb2 binaries are included too.

There is an issue with locales so atm only english is available.

gud lac

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Slow black screen with Ubuntu 6 nVidia
« on: August 19, 2006, 11:55:05 AM »
Uhmm not familiarized with Xgl but probably is the cause, don't know.

Backup your xorg.conf, run again with no references to xgl/compiz in xorg.conf and see.

Anyway, what tell you when you do a simple glxinfo or running glxgears?

General Development / Re: Linux installer
« on: August 19, 2006, 11:36:25 AM »
I just now got around to testing this installer out.  Some questions/feedback:
- Why does it install the installer twice?
- Why does it default to /usr/local/games when all of my other games are installed to /usr/games (on debian sarge) and my binaries are installed in /usr/bin, not /usr/local/bin.  Are there environment variables for these kinds of things like Windows has so it will default to the proper locations?
- How do I uninstall it?  After I installed it (to the wrong location, I later discovered), it wouldn't let me select a new location to install it to.  I went to /usr/local/games/Loki_Uninstall and ran loki_uninstall, but it said there was nothing installed.
- The game didn't get added to the menu (probably used the wrong directory again).
- The base option was disable by default, when it's required for the game.  It should be enabled by default, or not even an option.
- When I tried to install a second time, not only was the install path greyed out, but the SSE optimized binaries was, as well.
- SSE should be the default because the non-SSE has floating point inconsistencies with the windows version.
- I got a couple warnings: ** WARNING **: could not find signal handler 'setup_button_cdkey_continue_slot'. and ** WARNING **: could not find signal handler 'setup_cdkey_entry_changed_slot'.
- If I try to run the game as root, I get "Segmentation fault".  It works under my regular user.  My last build doesn't crash while running under root.  I really don't know what that would have to do with anything, anyway.

Hehe, nice to see you trying

1 .- What is this installing twice? Maybe you have an only click for execute or something .

2 .- /usr/local/games is the default loki installer path, you can modify the path but the binaries were built with /usr/local/games/paintball as the execute path, so probably you can get some errors or just doesn't run, anyway is possible to hack the paintball2 start script to match the path.

3 .- The right way to uninstall a game installed with a loki run file is through loki tools (loki_update, loki_uninstall) , so running loki_uninstall , if this tool was  installed, will show the games installed and ready to uninstall.

4 .- The thing with menus is a few difficult, works in some systems (distros)  and not in other because the paths.

5 .- Yeah, the path was grayed because is already installed and also the same for SSE binaries, so the only option is install the NO installed component.

6 .- SSE was optional because the readme says that these binaries can cause crashes or something so i set non-sse binaries by default, no problems here, i can  set SSE by default in the next installer.

7 .- No matter with these warnings, it's because the glade project used.

8 .- No it's a good thing to run no system apps as root, this is the main advantage on linux/unix, anyway i'll take a look but i think i did nothing extra about this.

I have a new installer on the way with some fixes and also gtk2 support,  i can even do an extra installer if the user wants to install in his home and not globally.
The data will be as an optional complement. 


Help and Support / Re: Ubuntu Linux Install Help
« on: August 10, 2006, 01:03:21 PM »
And symlinking in /usr/lib ?
[qudos@qudos paintball2]$ ls -l /usr/lib/*
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     10 ago 12 10:26 /usr/lib/ ->*
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     17 ago 12 10:26 /usr/lib/ ->*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 518220 ago 12 10:26 /usr/lib/*

Some day i'll update my drivers =)

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Sound problems in Linux
« on: August 04, 2006, 01:43:37 AM »
killall now. Don't know why it was weird before but it is fine. I have sound now. No freezing of the game either.

Nice to hear you got it, btw, what distro, window manager are you running?

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Sound problems in Linux
« on: July 29, 2006, 02:35:30 AM »
Personally, when i can i put all games in my home dir.

Are you running SSE binaries or basic?
Run the installer again and install the another ones binaries.

It's freezing the whole system or just paintball2? you can always to try debug or switch a virtual console and kill pb2 process.

Are pointing to the right acelerated libraries?

I remember when i installed propietaries nvidia drivers, debian just forgot to remove the old from /usr/lib and all acelerated apps were running slow.

The binaries included in the paintabll2 installer were built with no dga mouse, so probaly will run with no problems there.

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Sound problems in Linux
« on: July 28, 2006, 11:30:49 AM »
Is someone testing the installer i'd created, give a try

The CVS version features the snd_driver from quake2forge, also oss sound driver is fixed too, here running alsa with an integrated i810 chip works perfectly, oss, sdl and alsa.

Once installed, modify the start script in /usr/local/games/paintball2 to set your preferences.

General Development / Re: Linux installer
« on: July 24, 2006, 07:09:21 AM »
Red Had / Fedora / Seus?Suse / Mandravia?Mandriva / Slackware / Ubuntu / Debian are distros and all of them are linux, so the same binary will run.

Ok, the installer can be downloaded temporaly from here, i'll keep for a few weeks

Note that the run file is big (~30 mb) in size because i've added loki setup tools, this is usefull for updates but is required a txt file yet, sources from today and all the required data, if desired loki tools can be removed in a next updated installer if this fails.

Notes to Paintball2 linux distribution:

All the changes are present at this time in the cvs so following the instructions from the pb2 sourceforge site  it'll have exactly the same than the included sources in the installer.

Added SDL video driver.
Also there is some updates to video drivers like hardware gamma working in both, glx or sdl, fullscreen or windowed mode.
Modified the sound system ala quake2forge, this is, works as video drivers so you can load your desired sound driver with the paintball2 client.
Available sounds drivers: OSS, ALSA and SDL, defaults to OSS (fixed).
Once installed the game you can modify the start script located in /usr/local/bin/paintball2 to select your preferences.
Writes data and configs to ~/.paintball2 in the user home dir, no problems with permissions.
Started compatibility with *BSD so some linux references were renamed to unix, in a future the linux folder in tjhe sources will be renamed to unix.
No more for now i think =)

Let me know.

General Development / Linux installer
« on: July 23, 2006, 10:01:30 AM »

Well, i'm working in the linux side pb2 develop, let me know if there is interest in an installer so i'll upload the one i've created with the last cvs code.

Would be nice linux users to start using cvs binaries in order to report linux bugs related.

Big thanks to Jitspoe to give me full access to the cvs tree.

General Development / Re: Anyone here use CVS?
« on: July 23, 2006, 10:01:16 AM »
I use Cervisia module inegrated in konqueror and works just fine.

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