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Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: ub_cliff beta
« Last post by jitspoe on September 17, 2022, 04:34:53 AM »
Lots of interesting ideas in this one, but in a way it's kind of the opposite of the spirit of the original ub_cliff.  The first was very beginner friendly.  Very straightforward -- only one path and flag to worry about, and the jumps weren't too crazy.  This is going kind of bonkers with some of the paths, and while it is possible to reach the flags without trick jumps, it's not very intuitive, and puts newer players at a severe disadvantage.  The lava hazards might be a bit too extreme, too, for players just learning how to jump.

Maybe it's fine, though.  I'd just like to see more maps made to help bring new players into the game and not designed to be exclusive to people who have been playing for decades.

If you're ever on for Social Saturday and want to play it for more feedback, let me know.  We played it a while back.  Like I said, some interesting ideas, but I feel like there's too much going on all at once.
Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: RoosTer Battleground 02
« Last post by jitspoe on September 17, 2022, 04:16:08 AM »
Got it uploaded to play for today's Social Saturday!  I think my main feedback is that it would be nice to have the ramps be a bit larger so there's more room to maneuver while running up them.
Beta / In-Progress Maps / RoosTer Battleground 02
« Last post by RoosTer on August 29, 2022, 03:32:06 PM »
Hi, here is another map in a construction site, supports DM/TDM (with random spawns) - CTF - 1FLAG - ELIM

It includes the source map file to help new mappers

[beta1] First public test
[beta2] Improved coverage and low level terrain
Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: New Map : 1abriko (Beta7)
« Last post by 3lf on August 09, 2022, 12:47:16 AM »
I was not aware that this map has been updated. Completely missed betas 2-6. Map looks great and performance is really nice for a map this size and this detailed. Nice of you to include the source map in the .rar-file.

The map is pretty much finished, I don't know what else you could add. Phong shading could be added to some of the cliffs, but that's a minor thing. The base is a bit awkward to navigate in if you want to grab both flags, but if you only play for 1st flag, then it's great.

Amazing job overall!
General Development / Re: WIP Blender 2.8x MD2 Importer
« Last post by jitspoe on August 06, 2022, 12:19:09 AM »
Neat!  Hopefully I can find time to play around with this.
General Development / Re: WIP Blender 2.8x MD2 / BSP Importer
« Last post by Toolwut on July 07, 2022, 08:24:03 AM »
Added a first, very restricted BSP loader for Blender 2.8x. Other versions are probably not supported because Blender keeps changing it's python API again and again. This probably requires changing add-ons every few months since there seems to be no compatibility between versions by design.

So this add-on can simply be installed via Edit -> Preferences, then Install... on the still zipped file attached. Afterwards activate the script in the same window. Once a map is opened, you will probably need to scale it down by a factor of 0.01 or something.

For 3D printing, you will need to solidify the outer walls as qbsp only keeps faces touching the worldspawn (not sure if this is the right terminology). So in contrast to .map files, a .bsp only contains polygon surfaces and not closed, convex brushes. For solidifying, I added a primitive shape and subtracted the map object from it. Obviously works best if the sky / walls touching the sky are all on the same xy plane. Then I used the 3D printing toolbox add-on I mentioned in a previous post here, I think it fixes some flipped normals or something. Then export as .stl and import that in the slicing program of your choice.

Let me know if you find a better approach for solidifying or if there are any bugs in the (quick and dirty) add-on! :)
General Development / Re: WIP Blender 2.8x MD2 Importer
« Last post by Toolwut on July 07, 2022, 08:12:22 AM »
Did some refactoring on the MD2 importer. Now it is a folder containing multiple python modules as compared to a single file addon as before. This separates blender-related and parser logic and allows to re-use parsers from other projects.

Also fixed loading of a custom skin path (in most cases for dp, .md2 files don't contain the name of the associated skin) which didn't work (well) on windows systems.
Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: New Map : 1abriko (Beta7)
« Last post by DrNilex on June 20, 2022, 12:39:58 AM »
Map has been updated to beta7.
A new staircase has been added that leads to the secondary flag (slower version of the skill jump path)
Hopefully this will be the final version of the map.
Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: RoosTer Battleground 01
« Last post by RoosTer on June 04, 2022, 10:10:45 AM »
Thanks for suggestions. I've tested the map earlier with some fellas at work, I feel its too little for oneflag or ctf. You can control the map with 3 or 4 jumps. I'm going to keep this in mind for the next map. Make it bigger and include more game modes
General Development / Re: WIP Blender 2.8x MD2 Importer
« Last post by jitspoe on June 03, 2022, 03:27:05 PM »
Ooh, now I want to 3D print some PB2 maps. :)  You have a .bsp importer available somewhere?
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