If I'm not doing this correctly, I would really love to be proven wrong.
Anyway, I was messing around with rscripts yesterday and i found out that they didn't do what I was told they would.
map textures/zhmr/brick1_1.jpg
blendfunc blend
map textures/zhmr/mrtext.tga
blendfunc blend
scroll sin 1 sin 0
From my understanding (from
this topic), if I use "scroll sin 1 sin 0" that the picture should move back and forth in a wave like pattern on the X axis. However, it just scrolls in a static fashion along the X axis. I also noticed that "sin", "cos", and "tan" do not work with scale either.
Once again, if I'm not doing this right, please correct me.
Oh, btw, the above two textures look like this (not that it matters much):