I am pleased to announce that Flip, one of our members, and previously of COW, will be starting WSL--We Suck Less-- as a sister clan to InT. For some time we have realized the need of a beginner clan network that will give training players a chance to compete against equals. While we learn a lot from more advanced clans it is hard to apply it when simply outclassed on a number of levels.
There are other second-tier (noob) clans out there, but they are historically very unstable and have poor internal and external communication. Establishing our own network then is a way to solve this issue.
This represents a step forward for us. We hope to have two training clans built up that can scrim against each other often for the purpose of learning, but still have their own distinct culture and identity.
InT has been growing and has reached a point where we are having a lot of activity, but cannot take on too many more players and reasonably expect to train them. This new clan allows for more healthy expansion while still providing a new place for clan noobs to learn. Currently I get about four requests per day for people to join InT. My clan members likewise get requests. So there is demand for this training, and there is a bright future for the clan scene. We just need stable clans to make it happen. That is our hope for WSL.
If you are interested in applying to the clan as a trainee or to help out as an established player please indicate such below. Flip hopes to get things rolling this next week or so. If you would like to talk things over then stop by #team_int. You may want to wait until tomorrow though because I think Flip is busy tonight.
It is my understanding that Flip WILL require
A. Some basic skills, aiming, general knowledge of DP, etc.
B. A working MIC and ability to use Ventrillo. While I realize some are looking for a clan that does not use mics the standard among clans is use of voice recon, and we are training people for that skill. It also makes instruction far easier.
Good luck Flip, and good luck WSL.