Author Topic: Newbie speedhacking  (Read 3534 times)


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Newbie speedhacking
« on: November 18, 2007, 05:06:17 AM »
OTB Pub2 at 12:00 (german time).

Im pretty sure he was speedhacking.

Here is the demo:


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Re: Newbie speedhacking
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2007, 06:41:41 AM »
Thanks for the demo.

Name: newbie
IP: (
Hack: Speed


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Re: Newbie speedhacking
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2007, 02:33:39 PM »
Thanks for the demo.

Name: newbie
IP: (
Hack: Speed

Thanks. Banned.


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Re: Newbie speedhacking
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2007, 07:00:09 PM »
 ::) Hello to everyone. I'm new to Paintball 2 and new to this forum, so please bear with me if I'm clumsy. I have just downloaded the game and activated my account only to find out that I'm "globally" banned. As I've never played Paintball 2 in my life, that comes as a bit of a surprise. After some thought I came to a possible answer to that riddle: you probably ban users based on their I.P. number. If that is the case, I must notify you that the I.P. number you banned is just a dynamic I.P. number from a pool of dynamic I.P. numbers that we users of the Slovenian ISP get served when we connect to our ISP. The said ISP, in fact, gives its users a new randomly chosen I.P. number on each reconnect, so by banning that "Newbie" you are actually banning ALL us innocent users of the same ISP. Would you (Admins) be so kind as to rectify the situation in the near future? I would very much like to be able to play (abiding by the rules in order not to be banned --- ever!) Paintball 2 as soon as possible  :-\
Thanx 4 ur time


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Newbie speedhacking
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2007, 08:40:02 AM »
I'm sure jits will remove ur globalban soon.


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Re: Newbie speedhacking
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2007, 02:15:47 PM »
Disabled the hostmask ban.


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Re: Newbie speedhacking
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2007, 03:06:25 PM »
A big THANX:)


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Re: Newbie speedhacking
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2007, 08:36:07 AM »
Hi, it's me again. Today my ISP ( changed my I.P. number again to a number like 90.157.x.x and - boom! - I'm banned from all the Paintball 2 servers again! So the disabled "hostmask ban" - whatever that is - obviously didn't work. I suspect I was only able to play for some days because my ISP gave me an I.P. number from another one of their I.P. pools (a number not starting with 90.157), but as soon as they changed it to 90.157.x.x again, the ban was active again. Now I'm a patient person and honestly don't mind waiting for 3 days until this "Newbie ban" expires (on December 12th I think). What I'm far more concerned with is the rule that when another mindless speedhacker connected to my ISP does some dirty trick again - I will obviously be banned with him, this time for 60 whole days! Then for 120 days, 240 days etc. This virtually means that I might as well say goodbye to online Paintball forever. What can a honest player in my place do? I'm at a loss. I really don't like paying for other people's bad beaviour. Paintball 2 is really a GREAT game, but couldn't this banning be implemented in a less destructive manner? Thanx 4 ur time


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Re: Newbie speedhacking
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2007, 08:41:24 AM »
Um. In case you didn't notice your were caught for speedhacking. Search around to find the thread.


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Re: Newbie speedhacking
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2007, 09:29:23 AM »
That's exactly the point: it wasn't ME who was caught speedhacking! My only "connection" with the guy who did it is that we share the same ISP (as some other 100.000 subscribers of the same ISP). Now to ban several hundreds of thousands of people just because they share the same ISP with some badly behaving speedhacker is a bit harsh, don't you think? Well, apparently the ban mechanism of Paintball 2 sometimes does exactly that. I'm a little bit amazed here: am I the first one to be complaining? I mean, there are loads of ISPs that assign I.P. numbers dynamically (meaning you get a different I.P. number each time you connect to your ISP) - am I really the first to notice that this ban mechanism can potentially ban ALL the users of a particular ISP only because of ONE misbehaving player??? I find that very hard to believe. And I repeat for all the other readers who don't bother to read entire threads: I was never speedhacking. I'm a total newbie, I downloaded the game about 15 days ago for the first time in my life when the "Newbie speedhacking" ban had already been in force for at least 10 days. So I am actually paying for a misdemeanor someone else committed. I sincerely doubt that's what the ban mechanism was intended for.