Left: Original - Right: Modified
DAMIEN's Thoughts:
-12:30am I have nothing better to do.
-Can't find decent chain in platinum, so assuming that you like oldschool bling as well, I turn to Mr.T and his 50lb gold chain assortment.
-Thinking the Mr.T "style" looks cheesey.
-Wishing IronFist a good hour of bad luck because he didnt provide a .psd file. Leaving me with no layers, simply a background.
-Feeling bad about the flat, copy/paste appearance of the new bling, I feel that making the platinum bling more blingy looks cool.
-Disatisfied with it, I start to tear and post anyways.
-Accepting the fact that I really am not very good at this kinda stuff.
-Finding my happy place, I decide that it's fun so I can continue gracing the forum with 2-Dish, unfinished looking images until I improve.
-Pats self on back for looking on the brighter side.
-Here's where my head explodes and confetti flies everywhere.