Honestly, you release a map nearly week or so. Make maybe a bigger map, not a straight line, or straightish line map. Spend time, I'd rather see you working on a map for a couple of months, other than rushing to make a line and release it and say OMFG I RELEASED MY 10th MAP or whatever. Make a map with a few possible pathways, be creative, because from what I can see is that you are just putting things here and there, hoping it will fill the map up and make it look good. If you want to continue with any of these maps, feel free to do so, but if you get the picture, just drop them, work on a good map for some time, get a few people to look at it before you release it as beta, and when you have fixed everything they showed you, you can then release it. It will minimize your chances of just getting people saying 'Rubbish' or whatever, and they will show you what you have done wrong, what you can improve and you maybe even get to the stage where you can release the map.