um thers a big list : seta cl_minfps 0, seta cl_maxfps 0, seta cl_locknetfps 0, seta cl_cmdrate 60, seta cl_drate 10000, seta m_filter 0, seta scr_conspeed 99999, seta gl_finish 0, seta gl_anisotropy 1, seta r_caustics 0, seta r_reflectivewater 0, seta gl_dynamic 0, seta gl_stainmaps 0, seta gl_skymip 1, s_mixahead 0.2, seta gl_highers_textures 0, seta gl_picmip 1, seta gender spacepirate : also im havin trouble with my graphix it has something to do with these commands i now that for sure