Author Topic: Lets add more to the wiki  (Read 942 times)


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1372
Lets add more to the wiki
« on: January 25, 2008, 10:28:12 AM »
I really like the wiki idea so lets try to add more info to it.  Jitspoe I remember saying he will add a link to it once we have more info.  I helped a little and I will add more once I am certain I am adding the right info. 

I think a way to moderate it is being the only way you can change the info in it is if you login to either the dplogin database like the feature votes or the forum account.  (not sure what database would be easier)
Another way is to have someone with a lot of experience to be able to get a pm or something to inform them that someone has changed some of the info so someone doesn't add something that is wrong or is just abusing the wiki.

I added some extra info to the wiki for sun angles.  I added the other values you can add to the world spawn so you can change the sun effects more but I didn't know how to change the name of the guild to Sun settings instead of Sun Angles.  I don't think I can change it so could someone with the power change the name and url? 
Wiki developer link
The Guide I changed

This might be better suited in the Paintball Discussion thread but you decide...


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Re: Lets add more to the wiki
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2008, 10:39:57 AM »
He won't add a link until he moves to MediaWiki or some wiki framework that has built-in spam protection (I also think that the best way would be an integrated login like the Feature Vote site for modifying any articles).  I guess it's alright to keep writing articles in the mean time, so that they can fill up the new wiki a little better once it arrives, but right now it's not so much a lack of content that's preventing it from being linked up.

I would much rather see a main link to the DP Resource Site if anything.  It might be a good place to start contributing articles if you're really in the mood to write.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1372
Re: Lets add more to the wiki
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2008, 10:54:20 AM »
Would it be better to have more then one option.  If there are two articles written by two different people, it will help someone understand things better.  I do like the DP resource idea though. sk89q is working hard on that site and that site is extremely helpful.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1372
Re: Lets add more to the wiki
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2008, 06:34:29 AM »
How do you edit the Guide name and the url so the link isn't broken when you change the name or is it a mod only thing?
Double posted only because this topic was on the second page