I think FPS capping is just plain stupid.
These poor female doges need to get out and make enough money to buy a new PC, or get a fast connection, or whatever.
You're gonna restrict me because stupid donkey over there can't afford to upgrade his 486...intercoursein please man.
Get a grip.
Another thing to push people away from DP.
All the people with new PCs, that love DP, will just move on down the road. The people with old PCs ain't goin nowhere. Where the intercourse they gonna go? They can't play anything out today. THEY are the ones that are stuck. Take off the FPS cap and they'll do what? Play solitair? Cause they sure ain't gonna play bf2 if they can barely handle DP.
Remove the FPS cap...DELETE THE intercourseIN CODE...and remove the low-ass default restriction shoved down our throats. New players will be stifled by that restriction and just leave.