Author Topic: LOCs IN the maps  (Read 1403 times)


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 709
LOCs IN the maps
« on: November 14, 2005, 03:18:52 PM »
I know this has been covered in the past, but it seems like such a little thing to do.

PLEASE add LOC brushes so we map makers can start setting LOCs when we build our maps.

RA3 has this, and a few others, i'm sure.

The whole LOC idea, as it stands now, is great, except for every different person there would be different descriptions for each location. Now, deciphering someone elses LOCs could be impossible.

If this is going to be implimented, the sooner the better.
Already most map makers are gone, or have lost thier .map files. We must get this in now!

Just put the locations in team speak like RA3 does:
<Player> (<location>): <message>


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 4595
Re: LOCs IN the maps
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2005, 06:40:43 PM »
I like it... I think it was suggested a long time ago.
If it could also be a server-side ENT, that would be helpful for maps that don't already have them.

But how would it be handeled for observers? I'm pretty sure people would like to let their teammates know where they died, so perhaps it could be implemented into the kill message.


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Re: LOCs IN the maps
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2005, 08:25:06 PM »
The problem with having them in the maps themselves is that only .001% of maps would have them.  And what happens if the mapper goofs it up?  I think it would work better if mappers made loc files to distribute along with their maps, then people could make corrections to them later on if need be.

Perhaps what I could do is encode the player position into the team chat message and have the client display the name of the location according to his loc file.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 4595
Re: LOCs IN the maps
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2005, 08:50:37 PM »
According to the client's loc file who's reciving the message, right?
And if you are going to do that, you'll hove to up the spam protection a bit.